View Full Version : My story-Lexapro/Cipralex-Questions

20-09-12, 23:42
Hello everybody,
I started experiencing panic attacks this summer.Had 4 major ones about every week in July. I guess I was too stressed,had problem with work and relationship + it was really hot days.At first I didn't know what it was so I fought them back in order not to faint resulting in major panic attacks combined with vomiting and diarrhea :( that lasted for more than 3-4 hours and I could barely move my feet and walk.I did not go to ER but I visited 2 different pathologists (gp's) and a gastric doc. The last one said i'm suffering panic attacks and the two first said : "There's nothing wrong with you girl just the heat and your blood pressure". At the beggining I was so scared because I had a thyroid removal surgery last Nov and thought that had something to do with,so in order not to faint I fought them back,but not in the right way I guess.First one was at work,I had a redbull cause I was feeling really really tired,after about an hour I had severe panic attack, my bf had to come and pick me as I could not drive myself back to home,I could barely walk. Second one was a week after ,I had taken my thyroid pills and had a morning espresso for boosting my day,that is what I'm doing the last 3 years, as I left home on my way to work with my car I felt dizzy on a traffic light and I said to myself (oh no not again) I pulled to the side and got pretty scared that I would faint inside my car and no one would help me.I pushed my self hard to go to work and I suffered as I was driving.It took me 45minutes for 1kilometer and of course I never made it to work.My best friend came to pick me up and drive me back home.Driving me back home took us about 2 hours for a 15min way, as I was telling her to pull over all the time.I had managed to bring up fever as well. Lol.
That was my awful experience.Third one was kind of mild but still wanted to lie down and sleep exhausted.Since that day I never stayed alone (august was on vacation with family) and never drived myself to work. Meanwhile,my bf decided to move to London for a better future (after 4 years of living together) but did not wanna breakup on me either..Lol again.I spend all my summer vacation with my parents and family crying all day. When we got back I started going out and driving always with someone else beside me,but always dizzy.One day I decided that I had to take it on my own,and so I did.In the beginning I was so happy that I could drive and listen to music and sing, then I thought it was a good idea to make it where my second panic attack bursted.WRONG IDEA!!!My panic got back again and returned back home to my parents (where I live atm).I was so frustrated to my self that I had a major anxiety breakdown for 5 days with no sleep at all..
As I'm housebound and full of fear I visited my psychiatrist and he prescribed me Xanax 1mg/day and Lexapro/Cipralex 10mg. Atm I started sessions with a psychologist as well,and she said it would be better if I took no meds at all.But I'm to the point that I only walk out my dog,quit my job,moved to my parents,and get out in general only if someone i s with me.
Now,about Cipralex...It is my first AD so I have some stupid questions:
1.Do all ppl gain weight while on Lexapro?Is it a way you can prevent this just by exercising and eating veggies?Is there any trick with the low carb regime?And what's that with glucose?
2.Even if you work out and on diet there is no chance in losing weight? (Apart from the first 2 weeks of nausea and decreased appetite)
3.My doc said as all docs,these med does not add weight...C**p all I read past days is how ppl gain weight on Cipralex and become more desperred. Maybe the ones who did not gain or lose where to happy to give a feedback on the depressed ones.
4.The tired factor-Do all ppl feel tired and want just to cocoon while on this med? I mean is it so hard to have hobbies while on this med?Exercising makes you feel better or you just go 'blah' because you have to. In general an AD supposed to motivate you not drag you down :/
5.Does it affect your affection,love,and caring towards others?My dog is my love,I wouldn't like to dump him or not walking him or not sleep with him due to numb feelings :/
6.Does it affect creativity?What about memory loss?Do you enjoy music?
7.Do you care about yourself.I mean make up,dressing e.t.c
8.Last but not least.Do you enjoy things like a cinema,hanging out with friends
and mostly do you laugh?

Sorry to have bothered you with my long post,and sorry for my english which ain't my native language. I hope someone gets back to me with any answers,as it is my first AD and I'm so anxious about it and haven't met anyone who has been on one.Looking forward to your answers.

Thank you in advance.

---------- Post added at 01:42 ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 ----------

Sorry posted it twice :doh:

21-09-12, 09:04
Anyone? :weep:

21-09-12, 09:40
I'm on Escitalopram also since about 3 months. The first 10 days or so it was hard. I couldn't sleep, was sweating all night, bad mood, etc but later on it improved. At the same time I was taking Xanax 1mg so it did help also.

I'm kind of new, but I'll try and answer your questions with what I have learned so far:

1. I have put some weight, but actually it was the weight I lost while feeling very bad for several months. I lost about 4-5 kg and I got that back but nothing more. (I'm male 32 years, 186cm, normal weight 82kg)

2. See 1

3. See 1

4. I haven't noticed any "extra" tiring from it. In general I have been feeling better since starting it (started 10mg, but now I'm with 20mg)

5. I don't think it affects that. But it affects sexual desire

6. Again haven't noticed anything

7. I care more than before starting it (I was pretty bad before starting)

8. I'm laughing more than some months ago and I general I'm feeling better. However I have been taking Xanax also, so I'm not sure how much of that is down to Escitalopram.

The last few days I've been trying to lower Xanax to 0.5mg a day and not feeling very good, but hopefully it will pass...

Take care

21-09-12, 10:04
Thanks a lot,last night was a nightmare I had to take 0.75 xanax in order to sleep for a couple of hours.As I've researched men's weight is not affected that much as in women's. Did you suffer from panic attacks?Do they wear off or at least become milder?

21-09-12, 10:09
I didn't sleep well also and now have a headache...I didn't want to take Xanax because as I said I'm trying to lower the dosage.

I'm not sure if they were panick attack or anxiety attacks, but I had lots of symptoms including feeling like fainting, weak legs, breathlessness, palpitations, skipped beats, loss of appetite, loss of weight, depression, nausea and a few others that I have forgotten. About 4 months ago it got so worse that I stayed at home all the day, mostly in bad...

21-09-12, 11:31
I'm also staying at bed.Shivering,out of focus,became agoraphobic,continuing thinking about when I'm going to be ok.Suffering bad...

21-09-12, 11:34
I'm sorry to hear that...but it will get better, trust me.

By the way, do you live in Greece? I'm from Albania...

21-09-12, 12:04
Yeap Greece...Sunny place for happy people,but apparently not for me anymore!!:weep:

21-09-12, 13:52

I have been on Cipralex for nearly 2 years now. I lead a relatively "normal" life, enjoying all the things I used to but some with a few minor changes. It took a little while for me to experience the full benefit of the meds and I did have a few hiccups / set backs along the way. Just don't expect them to be a miracle cure, you still need to do as much as you can to help yourself also. I had CBT too which was very helpful, taught me a few techniques on coping better and some help with prevention.

I did put on a little bit of weight, nothing major. All in all I went up a dress size but to be honest I don't get much exercise and don't eat the most healthy of diets. I haven't really noticed any other effects from the meds. Hasn't affected my libido or anything like that.

What I have found really good are to make sure I stick the the following:
1) Good nights sleep (at least 6 hours)
2) Not having too many late nights
3) I don't not drink alcohol (hangovers feel like anxiety to me, so I don't drink at all) so limit down your intake
4) Keeping to a normal routine and not shying away from things I don't like

Cipralex is a very good AD. I have tried 3 others in the past and this has by far been the most effective and less invading one. Takes a little longer to work (approx 12 weeks for me). I take 10mg a day, in the morning.

Lifes very good at the moment, I am not concerned about being on an AD long term.

Not all meds work the same for everyone but I think stick with it, you will feel a lot lot better in time, its not easy getting there but you WILL.

X Best wishes

21-09-12, 14:00
Hi, welcome! I am about a month into starting this medication, been on 10 mg the whole time. I am doing pretty well! I feel less depressed, though still have anxiety but feel overall a little more "even" ... less extreme depression or panic. My doc says I still can get better than I am over the next month so continuing at 10 mg.

I will try to answer some of your questions from my experience too.

1.Do all ppl gain weight while on Lexapro?Is it a way you can prevent this just by exercising and eating veggies?Is there any trick with the low carb regime?And what's that with glucose?

I haven't gained any, I have actually lost some because I have been making sure to eat healthy and have found my appetite isn't as good. I had nausea in the beginning, now don't have nausea but just got used to eating less I think.

2.Even if you work out and on diet there is no chance in losing weight? (Apart from the first 2 weeks of nausea and decreased appetite)

See above answer ... I've lost about 2 pounds since starting

3.My doc said as all docs,these med does not add weight...C**p all I read past days is how ppl gain weight on Cipralex and become more desperred. Maybe the ones who did not gain or lose where to happy to give a feedback on the depressed ones.
4.The tired factor-Do all ppl feel tired and want just to cocoon while on this med? I mean is it so hard to have hobbies while on this med?Exercising makes you feel better or you just go 'blah' because you have to. In general an AD supposed to motivate you not drag you down :/

I felt VERY tired the first two weeks but feel better now. That will pass.

5.Does it affect your affection,love,and caring towards others?My dog is my love,I wouldn't like to dump him or not walking him or not sleep with him due to numb feelings :/

I feel more affection for the people and pets I love because I am feeling better. I don't feel numb at all. I DID feel out of it the first two weeks but this improved.

6.Does it affect creativity?What about memory loss?Do you enjoy music?

My creativity is improved because I am not bogged down by depression!

7.Do you care about yourself.I mean make up,dressing e.t.c

this has also improved, due to depression improving

8.Last but not least.Do you enjoy things like a cinema,hanging out with friends
and mostly do you laugh?
same answer as above

21-09-12, 14:13
Thanks everybody for your answers...Had my thyroid removed last november and had some iodine treatment as well cause I had cancer.My doctor is giving me a really high dose of thyrormones and my TSH is currently at 0.001 I guess that is pretty high but I have to take it for 3 years in order not to develop cancer again. Problem is before the medication I might had a bit of depression but that's all. I guess the side affects of hyperthiroidism with the combination of caffeine and smoking,triggered my anxiety and panic attacks. I feel so bad and scared now.I'm full of phobias and thoughts and concerns.:/

03-10-12, 17:24
Still feeling awfully...Can not sleep well,I'm so frustrated that I gave myself up in meds.
I can drive every now and then 2-3km around my house.I'm making efforts.Still haven't tried to visit a shop on my own.But still fear is my friend.I'm going out with my mother though.It's been 3 days now that we go to the hospital which is in centre city ,because I have to do some medical exams for my thyroid.Today we sat outside on a corner,and had a smoke,I felt dizzy by the crowd,but not scared.
I think I will be like this for the rest of my life.I don't know why I started the meds since I'm not willing to leave the house so easily.Just need some support here.I want to get back to work,but the only thing that I'm capable of doing the past two weeks is search the internet about panic disorder,and how everyone is not getting over it even with meds.
I talked to my boyfriend earlier on the phone and he just can't understand what I am going through.He thinks my parents spoil me and that it's just too much that I can't return back to myplace.
Please people I need some positive feedback here.
Thank you.

03-10-12, 18:37
Don't give up hope, it's still quite early for you. I am about 6 weeks in or so, and at this point good days are more numerous than bad, but I do have ups and downs. It can take up to a couple months for it to work. So please do not give up hope yet!

I encourage you to read some of the other diaries on this forum. If you have free time and read or skim from the beginnign to end, you will see the amazing progress some people have made. It definitely gave me hope :) :hugs:

03-10-12, 19:33
Thanks for your kind words.I wish I could do something with myself.I feel so bad,even if I try something and manage it my mind receives it as failure.I think myself as a big failure,not being able to cope with my fears.I'm afraid of staying alone now, I live with my parents ,although I have a beautiful house.Can't go back to my house cause my boyfriend decided to move to another country due to the economic crisis.Now I have to deal with anxiety,my fear of panicking plus being away from my boyfriend after 4 years of living together...I feel so wick.I was such a dynamic person, don't know what happened to me.Not sure how to overcome these things.