View Full Version : Headache :-(

21-09-12, 09:19
There back, I have had headaches since January. Been to lots of doctors, many times. Only last week I was at the doctor and he said that it is stress related coming from my neck.

Its really getting me down, I do have periods of no headaches but it always comes back.

I have had basic neuro exams and all fine.

Doctor last week offered my a brain scan but he feels there is no need and it will only fuel my anxiety.

I have to trust my doctor and relax but it is so hard.

Sorry to harp on, just feeling really down, stressed and have a sore head.

Maybe time to book another oestopath appt.

21-09-12, 09:38
If its still worrying you then a brain scan might have been a good idea just to prove t you that nothing is wrong

21-09-12, 11:07
The thing that bothers me is will this stop my HA, or will I doubt the scans. Really trying to beat the HA. The doc says there are no indications for him to refer me and need to relax etc. Easier said then done lol

21-09-12, 11:09
Tests do often make ha worse and keep the cycle going! Hope u feel better soon xx

21-09-12, 12:30
Thank you, sorry to read that you are suffering with headaches too. I dont get any sickness but my head feels so tight, neck and shoulders.

21-09-12, 12:47
Definitely try an osteopath

21-09-12, 13:54
try icing the muscles in your neck, and then heat to relax it.