View Full Version : Late night dizzy spell when I can't sleep

21-09-12, 11:27
Last night I couldnt sleep and I started feeling dizzy, it freaked me out as I hadnt had that in a while. The night is weird for me anyway, I have had dream sequences while awake, my mind think totally differently when I can't sleep. I thought maybe my blood sugar was low but I was too scared to get up and have a drink or something incase I still felt light headed or dizzy.
I still feel kinda weird now.
I dunno what's up.

21-09-12, 13:21
Hell im glad im not alone with this ive been experiencing this.The last few days have been awful so lightheaded and unbalanced.Last night it was so strong the felling of being dizzy i got scared i thought it was my blood pressure or something but even when i was laying down i still felt dizzy and everytime i closed my eyes it was horrible i just had to lay there and try and breathe through my stomach.I must of got off to sleep at some point but only for a 2/3 hours and ive woke up feeling lightheaded and giddy.Im putting mine down to the fact that im due on my cycle in 5 days and i always feel worse when thats coming.Aswell ive been told that when u start trying to challenge your anxiety u become more sensitised.Ive just started going into shops and staying in them for a bit and going for longer walks so i think my mind is tryng to adjust to it thats why it feels worse but i was told this is only temporary.Hope this helps to know ur not alone

claire x

21-09-12, 14:48
Hi, i really feel for you and get similar symptoms to you. I get them sometimes during the day but mainly at night. I call it a fuzzy sensation in my head, yes i am slighty lightheaded and dizzy but everything is fuzzy, all thoughts are jumbled and blurry and the sensation in my head rushes through sometimes. I also have the dream sequences while im awake.

21-09-12, 15:30
I've been feeling exactly the same last night and today! I'm also due on so I think that might be part of it. I wonder if the weather or atmospheric pressure has anything to do with it? I've just had a little sleep and feel better for it. ((hugs)) all round. dizziness is horrible. xx

21-09-12, 22:35
Hi, I have also suffered dizziness in bed. It was really bad. I actually woke up dizzy one Saturday morning a couple of years ago. My balance was gone and I was all over the place. Apart from anxiety, it was one of the scariest things I have ever experienced. Ever since then, I have been scared to go to bed in case it comes back again. Not good at all...


---------- Post added at 22:31 ---------- Previous post was at 22:25 ----------

Hi, I have also suffered dizziness in bed. It was really bad. I actually woke up dizzy one Saturday morning a couple of years ago. My balance was gone and I was all over the place. Apart from anxiety, it was one of the scariest things I have ever experienced. Ever since then, I have been scared to go to bed in case it comes back again. Not good at all...


---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 22:31 ----------

Sorry about the duplicate posts. Shirl

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Sorry about the duplicate posts. Shirl

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Sorry about the duplicate posts. Shirl

22-09-12, 09:27
I forgot to say that after the dizziness in bed, I went to the doctor and she said it was benign paroxymil positional vertigo. It has only come back once as bad as that first time. It only lasted 30 seconds but it felt like 30 years!! Never felt so dizzy in all my life and I was laying down at the time so didn't know what to do. It comes back but not as severe. If I just move slightly it seems to stop it but I have been scared of it returning ever since.

Sorry about the posts doubling up. I have no idea why this is happening.


22-09-12, 09:39
I get dizzy at several times during the day/night and always put it down to DP and anxiety. It does pass but it's so scary. I am also near my cycle too and alwasy feel dizzy around that time anyway! Awful!