View Full Version : waiting for smear results

miss diagnosis
21-09-12, 13:34
I had my smear 3 weeks ago and i havent heard anything back yet
She said about 4 weeks.Am a nervous wreak,even leaving work to go home and check the post.Would the clinic ring me if there was something wrong or would that just be in the letter?
She said all looked fine,no erosion or swelling but im still really worried.

21-09-12, 14:06
Hi I am the same but I was told the results would take 5 weeks.just have to be patient and try not to worry.

21-09-12, 15:48
Same here (also three weeks ago). Here the results take between 4 and 6 weeks, and we get the results through mail. If the results are off, we get a call from the doctor.
I try not to think of it too much, else I'm just going to worry. And I think that when the results are off, that they catch it in its early stages so that something can be done about it. Less than 1% of women get "bad" results. But it's scary waiting for results nonetheless :hugs:

21-09-12, 17:04
I waited 10 yrs to have a smear and was the same as you. Mine came back fine, so will yours x

21-09-12, 18:44
where do you live i had mine on the tuesday and got my results on saturday all normal yay but i think they would have been in touch straight away if something was wrong so dont worry i live in sheffield by the way x

miss diagnosis
25-09-12, 16:37
they came back today,all clear :-) was worried cos the envelope was thick but it was just an info leaflet.thats done for another 3 years. real weight off my shoulders!

25-09-12, 16:52
Hi. Same as me,got mine Saturday,all clear.

miss diagnosis
25-09-12, 17:02
great. good news all round.

27-09-12, 09:51
Got back results, they were all clear, too :)