View Full Version : Introducing myself

21-09-12, 15:24
Hi everyone,
I just want to say hello. I had a fairly sudden "breakdown" about five weeks ago now, totally unexpected and quite scary. I've been up and down like a rollercoaster since and today I'm feeling about as low and anxious as ever.
So far, I've been given beta-blockers without success and citalopram, which I started 5 days ago and I'm waiting for them to start having an effect. My sister is on citalopram and swears by it.
I think my problem is anxiety/panic rather than depression, though the difference seems subtle. I can't say what I'm anxious about, that's part of the problem.
I'm also trying to start some CBT, which I've heard a lot of good things about. I've tried it on-line (at moodgym) but without much result so far.
Anyway, feeling very down today, so I thought I'd say hello.

21-09-12, 15:36
Hi tonytod

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-09-12, 16:33
Hi & :welcome:

I had a breakdown last November so I guess I know what you are going through. You will find lots of help and support here. I wish you all the best in you recovery.

Kitti :)

21-09-12, 17:44
Hey tonytod,

I can personally relate to your story, things will get better, even though at the moment you cannot imagine that happening.

Hopefully you should start to feel the benefit of your medication very soon, I took Citalopram for about 8 years and it helped me through some of the most difficult times in my life.

21-09-12, 17:52
Hi :welcome: sending you :hugs:

21-09-12, 18:24
Hello Tony, I have been experiencing the same thing as you, like yours mine came totally out of the blue and it has hit me like a ton of bricks so I know how you feel I am getting better though with lots of help from CBT I have also got a couple of self help books to keep me on top of things try "feeling good the new mood therapy" by David D Burns and also a couple of websites I found useful are livinglifetothefull.com and fiveareas.com these are both based on CBT. I just take each day as it comes some days are good some days not so good but I do feel I am improving, these things take time so hang on in there . :) take care

21-09-12, 20:23
Welcome to the forums. :) You'll find plenty of help here. I'm on citalopram as well, so any questions let me know.