View Full Version : I feel weird, am i going crazy?

21-09-12, 15:55
Ok so I have been taking citalopram and propranolol for a few days!! I feel really odd today, very anxious panicky, stiff and like my whole body is going to stop working!! I feel spaced out and woozey and have a bit of depersonilsation, feel like I'm going crazy!! Am I losing it should I be worried? Its scaring me and I don't know what to do! I'm in tonight just with my little sister and I don't want to feel like this and scare her!! I feel like I can't breathe and I'm gonna die or get locked in syndrome. My hands are numb and I keep seeing like a green haze at the bottom of my eyes if that makes sense.
Sorry for the big long whinge but I felt like I need to tell someone how I feel!! Sorry.
Hannah x x

21-09-12, 15:57
Though unpleasant it's common to experience that while starting a treatment, don't worry (and don't interrupt your treatment either, it'll get better soon).

21-09-12, 16:09
I am having an awful day too. I am so disconnected that I just went back to sleep and 2 hours later here I am. lol. Can you try distracting with a film? It's so hard cos when I am like it I only feel ok if I lie down or just sleep

21-09-12, 16:41

Fred_h again I thank you!! I know your right its just my brain won't let me believe that I'm ok!!
Loopylu86 thank you for your reply, I am trying to distract myself buts its so hard you know. I'm just so tired of trying to feel ok and stop freaking out!!

My main problem is my arms and wrists, they feel like they are going numb/paralysed. I know I've had it so often that I know its not real its all in my head but it just seems to get worse and worse and its driving me crazy!!
Hannah x x