View Full Version : Finally!

21-09-12, 16:40
Finally! ive got an appointment for my first CBT session next monday :-) been waiting about 6 weeks, which isnt that long but its felt like aaaaages lol
only thing is now i dont know what to expect, and so am a bit nervous. The lady sounded really nice on the phone when i rung to confirm the appointment so that helped me a little bit.
Suppose im just scared its gonna turn into a 'talking session' where i lay on a couch and tell them everything and thats what i really dont want!

21-09-12, 16:50
Pleased you have got your appointment. I am sure you will be sitting in a chair and not lying on a couch. The first session I had she explained to me how cbt works and for 'homework' I had to write down things that worry me and we talked about them at different sessions. Mine was really nice. Some weeks I spent more time crying than speaking but they understand that may happen. Think of it as a positive to you dealing with your anxieties :hugs:

24-09-12, 19:42
The first session may just be that because they need to find out as much about your anxiety as possible. In my first session...I spoke and he wrote. Session two was a mental assessment that determined what my main area of concern was. It concluded that depression is not too bad but my anxiety is through the roof. So now that my therapist has established this and found out more about me..it means he can help. You have no reason to be nervous but it I think it will take a few session to kick in and really start helping. I actually look forward to my next session! I have to keep a journal and rate my mood everyday! It has been fun offloading!!

24-09-12, 19:56
well, my first session was this afternoon. Spent an hour with her, talking about what has happened in the last few months, why im depressed etc so she could write it all down. then she talked to me about CBT and what it involved and it all started to make loads of sense to me.

she reassured me loads about stuff that was happening to me, the constant waking up throught the night, the memory problems, all that sort of stuff. She then gve me the first work book to take away with me and have a look through over the next 2 weeks and booked my next few appointments with her. the course is only 5 sessions long, but they are 2 weeks apart so thats 10 weeks roughly.

Having a quick skim through the workbook it does seem a bit strange, but she did warn me and said that at forst it will be wierd but i'll get used to it!

thanks for the replies, they deffo helped me to squash the nerves before i went in!

24-09-12, 20:11
Hi Laura I am pleased it went well for you :) I had my first grief counseling session today and was really nervous about that but it went really well :)