View Full Version : And introducing myself as well.

21-09-12, 17:35
Hi all.

I thought I’d introduce myself and tell you (mostly) all about me.

I joined this site today after reading various posts over the last week to ten days and have understood the feelings and sentiments of the posts so thought I’d join, so here I am.

In February of this year I was a happy, confident and full-of-life person, albeit slightly overweight so I went and joined the local gym and thoroughly enjoyed myself doing so many exercise classes.

Then I became bedazzled by one of the fitness instructors. The very first time I saw her I knew that she was all I wanted. Ever. Ever ever ever.

To cut a long story short we started seeing each other in June and I was happy, content, had all that I ever wanted. And I lost 2 stone in 4 months, so was happy with that as well!

Short-lived though. Apart from the weight loss that is.

Then I started doubting myself: Why would this stunning girl want to be going out with me? I started becoming more and more anxious over this; especially as early on in the relationship she had to go away for 3 weeks. What if she decided she didn’t like me when she was away? What happens if she meets someone? But she came back, and it was good…for a while.

But the doubt was still niggling at me. Why isn’t she with someone better than me? I don’t deserve someone like this.

The doubts became worse and worse and I started suffering anxiety attacks and not being able to sleep. The lack of sleep obviously making things worse. Let’s throw some paranoia in there too!

Off to the doctors I trudged who prescribed propranolol and sleeping tablets. The propranolol wasn’t helping me, so I kept on taking more and more – up to 6 in a morning. The doctor wasn’t chuffed with me, but upped the dosage anyway and gave me different sleeping tablets but I was still anxious and not sleeping all that well.

The anxiety started making me feel depressed: I can’t hold on to this girl; she won’t like me; why hasn’t she dumped me yet. So the doctor prescribed citalopram for me, just 10mg but, to be honest, I really didn't want to go down the road of that just yet. I was scared that my girlfriend would leave me if she knew what was happening to me. Even after reading someone's lengthy, informative and witty post on this very site about citalopram and "stuff" I was still unwilling to head down that path.

So I investigated the natural remedies and started, last week to take a multitude of tablets from good old Holland & Barrett including St. John's Wort, Ginko BilboBaggins (still a little bit of humour left in me it seems), 5-HTP, selenium and other wonderful things. Hope they kick in. Soon. Please.

Right now, and for the last few weeks I've been really weepy, so lonely, down, lost all of the confidence and self-esteem I did have, just back to work this week after being off for three weeks...being a contractor I don't get paid so let's dump some money issues in there too. The sobs I was coming out with last night I'd never ever heard before – like some wild animal...it was pretty damn scary let me tell you! Oh, and they’ve just happened again on the way home from the train station. Luckily the bloke walking in front of me had headphones on.

Oh, and last night my girlfriend decides that it's time for us to part company. Devastated isn't the word I'd choose. She still is, and always will be all I ever want from this life.

Yeah, yeah, I hear you all say: you'll get over this; plenty more fish in the sea; she's not worth it and all that tosh but I honestly have never felt this way about someone before....not even my best friend, who happens to be my ex-wife (I've laid such a burden on her over these last weeks...bless her).

I want to get back to the happy, confident person I was but that road seems so distant to me and I can't see the way to it. I try and think happy thoughts when I try and sleep, but the thoughts just won’t come. I can’t seem to remember happy times, even though they were just a short time ago.

I was supposed to be going out with the ex-wife tonight after last night happened, but she has a kidney infection and feels drowsy with the antibiotics she is on. I hope someone is on here this evening to chat with...it's going to be such a long weekend :( I’m so lost, lonely and afraid.

I've still been going to the gym, but that is more of a chore than pleasure now, even if I do get to see my now ex-girlfriend, but I can't face eating and I've lost another 16lbs in the last three weeks. Not good!

I've been told the waiting list for counselling is about one year...I don't have that time. I was contemplating something...last week… it's still there, as a thought, malingering and festering in my mind, even planned who to give my guitars and other worldly goods to.

Anyway, I think you get the drift.

I’d like to say pleased to meet you all…but is that the right thing to say on a board like this? ;)

Thanks for reading.

P.S. I don't feel coherent so, not sure if this all makes sense.

21-09-12, 17:45
Hi CrimsonKiss

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-09-12, 17:50
Hi :welcome: So sorry to hear you have had so much to go through. You say you are taking St John Wort but that is only intended for mild depression and yours seems to be worse than that? Maybe you should take something prescribed from your GP. 1 year is a long time to wait for counselling, it is less than that where I live thank goodness. There is another site No Panic which offers telephone counselling sessions you might want to look at that too. I hope you will find lots of support on this site. Sending you :hugs:

21-09-12, 18:14
Welcome and sorry to hear you are not in a good place right now.

There are lots of friendly, helpful & supportive members here to help you through. I agree with Annie, maybe it's time to start the prescription meds...and the samaratans are always available to talk if you are feeling rock bottom. Good luck.

Kitti :)

21-09-12, 18:29
Thanks Peeps.

I do hope I get the support I think I will get on here ;)

I'm also trying to boost my serotonin through various pills and diet...when I can be bothered to eat (tonights food has been a chocolate bar - bad me!)

I'm trying to get another doctors appointment on Monday evening to have a better chat with them...I think I said I was getting an appointment already - my short-ish term memory seems to have disappeared.

I'll give the natural stuff a while longer...I'm just scared to go down the other path...

21-09-12, 18:56
Hi, really sorry to hear your tale. I know when i sometimes saw the doctor i would take a notepad to write down anything important so i could refresh my memory when i got home so this might help with that?

I took citalopram for a couple of years and it does help (there is lots of info on here) though i came off it a year ago and am now trying to recovery via counselling and natural methods which is my personal choice though there are times i do wonder about going back on the meds!

I think you are trying to do this anyway but it's important to look after yourself, there are plenty of us on here in a similar position - always feel free to PM me if you want to chat!

21-09-12, 22:25
Welcome to the forums! :)

If you think natural remedies will suit you best, then that is fine and I hope it will work for you. If however you do need prescription medication, don't let it scare you. I've been on citalopram for 6 weeks now and it's working very well. I had side effects for the first 4 or 5 days but then my mood and anxiety gradually improved. I know it can be a difficult decision especially if you have health anxiety, but the important thing to remember is that for most people the side effects go after a few days.

21-09-12, 22:44
Thanks Sparkle. I'll try for another week with the natural stuff, if I can last, then try thinking about cit.

I just wish I could sleep.

---------- Post added at 22:44 ---------- Previous post was at 22:32 ----------

Oh, super, just broke out sobbing again.

21-09-12, 23:28
Thank you LifeLong.

21-09-12, 23:38
Hello, and welcome. I'm sorry you've been having such a hard time.

I am one of the rare people who seem to get really bad reactions to virtually all antidepressants. Citalopram is the only one I had no bad reaction to. It actually helped a little. And if it helped me then it may be worth a try.

I hope something helps soon anyway. Take care!

21-09-12, 23:42
Thank you Edie. Sorry that you had bad reactions...I think that is part of the reason I don't want to travel that road. Another part thinks that I'd lose "me" in the process...even though I've lost who I was already. If that makes sense