View Full Version : Neck cartalidge very painful to touch. Pulled muscle?

21-09-12, 18:46
Hey guys,

I've just found a very tender/painful spot in my neck. It's on the right side of my adam's apple, on the little bit of cartalidge that sticks out. It doesn't hurt when I swallow, cough or talk. But it's very painful when I just put my finger on it, and if I move my neck to the bottom right it twinges.

Is it possible to pull a muscle in your throat? I've just started my first week at university, and I've spent all week traveling and carrying heavy bags filled with books around, which I'm wondering might have something to do with it. I don't have a fever or anything, just feel a bit tired from travelling. My lymph node glands don't feel swollen either.

Any thoughts? Thanks guys :)

---------- Post added at 18:46 ---------- Previous post was at 18:41 ----------

Although I have had a bit of a headache when I've got home. three days out of five. I think it's just tension though.

21-09-12, 20:45
hi there ..yes it sounds ;like a strain ..most likely from carrying all week etc ....try a heat pad , hot water bottle ...see how it goes after a few days or so ..if its gone worse see your gp to check it out , i am sure its nothing to worry about ...

yes , tensionn headaches are horrible and make you feel tired ..you sound like a busy bee , ....try to relax too , or a nice massage may help , ....are you sure you dont suffer from migraines ?

hope it betters itself soon :)

21-09-12, 21:43
hi there ..yes it sounds ;like a strain ..most likely from carrying all week etc ....try a heat pad , hot water bottle ...see how it goes after a few days or so ..if its gone worse see your gp to check it out , i am sure its nothing to worry about ...

yes , tensionn headaches are horrible and make you feel tired ..you sound like a busy bee , ....try to relax too , or a nice massage may help , ....are you sure you dont suffer from migraines ?

hope it betters itself soon :)

Thanks, Suzanne! I'm actually up in drama school in London, so there's been a lot to do this week to kind of initiate me :) And my text books are enormous! Big heavy volumes, absolutely fascinating though! I'm pretty sure I don't suffer from migraines; it's pretty rare that I ever get a headache, and I've never had migraine symptoms like disturbances in my vision and things. I think I've only had the headaches this week due to tiredness and carrying stuff. Plus, I am trying to reset my body clock so that I wake up naturally at 6am, which is always fun :D

22-09-12, 01:28
I've had this exact thing before! I attribute it to muscle tension, as my neck gets quite tense so makes sense that it can spread to the throat area.

24-09-12, 20:59
My neck cartilage was feeling funny too actually.
But I have figured out that sometimes things hurt for no reason and then it just goes away, I guess anxiety doesnt help either as we have an impressive attention to every single symptom that "normal" people wouldnt even notice or would give to much thought to. It could be muscular or just nerve endings. Dont let the thoughts escalate (im more telling this to myself :)).