View Full Version : Scared i wont wake up after General Anesthetic

21-09-12, 18:43
Hi guys. Im worried i wont wake up after my general anesthetic tomorrow for my teeth being taken out. I keep wanting to write goodbye letter to my family and friends becaise i feel il be one of those unlucky people to not wake up. Please if anyone is a nurse or doctor or have had one, some reassurance would help me greatly x

21-09-12, 18:53
I have had general anesthetic many times for various operations and also for tooth extraction. You will not be given a high dose for tooth extraction so you will be fine...Trust me you will wake up :hugs:

21-09-12, 20:55
Heyy don't worry about it! Ive been under genral anesthetic and it isn't all that bad :P you can't remember it and you will wake up! the doctors will make sure of it :')

22-09-12, 10:25
Tell the anesthetist they will put your mind at rest.

22-09-12, 10:56
I've been under a few times and every time I'm afraid I won't wake up too!
They either use gas or an injection to put you to sleep, takes 3 seconds, then you wake up :) you'll feel sleepy n you will sleep on and off for a bit before you fully wake up.
I was rather weak for a bit after and a bit emotional too.
But that's all normal, it's comon too to feel cold or have the shivers for a bit too.

I know it's scary, but it needs to be done so all you can do is go through it.
It's not as bad as what you think.
It sucks been put under and you may feel scared but it all happens so fast and it's soon over.
Before you know it it's a week later and you're fine!

Most of my family and friends have all had operations and they've all been fine.
Plus a tooth extraction is a pretty short operation so you won't feel too bad after and you'll only be under for a very short time.