View Full Version : Depression killed off my HA

21-09-12, 19:43
I had apsoloutely debilitating health anxiety for 4 months, until It reached the point where I just couldn't bring myself to do anything, Unfortunately, now there's some REALLY bad depression setting in, I've been feeling pretty suicidal and whatnot over the last 5 days and i'm not really sure why, I'm just having to brave this weekend until I can be put on some cit and mabye the world will stop feeling so dark after that

Anyways, I spent 3 days in hospital because I kinda considered myself a danger to myself, and on the third day they asked, do you think there's anything physically wrong with you? and it kinda dawned on me that I hadn't thought about my HA for 4 days, even with being in hospital, surrounded by ill people, funny how the mind works...

Odd thing to post, I know, but I just wanted to say it is possible to get over HA, just probably not the way I managed to...

21-09-12, 20:56
I think that is due to the distraction of your surroundings changing plus knowing you were in a safe place. Distraction and behaviour is all the key to changing.

21-09-12, 21:50
I'm very sorry to hear you've been feeling so bad :hugs:

I just wanted to reply as I can completely identify with this myself. I've had terrible HA for years and have been hospitilised because of it. I'll get a few months where it's not so bad and then it comes back with a vengeance. I had it terribly in December of last year right up until May. I was convinced I had throat cancer.
However in May, circumstances in my life changed, I had a nervous breakdown and now am suffering terribly with depression and suicidal feelings. And guess what? My HA completely disappeared. So did the lump that I had had permanently in my throat for four months. And so far it hasn't come back and it's been four months now since I've worried about my health at all.

I think part of it is that my mind is now distracted with other issues, but also that with the suicidal feelings, I really don't care at times whether I live or die, so why should I be concerned with my health? Whilst I'm glad the HA has gone for now, it's really not much of a help though as this depression is just as debilitating as the HA was. So I'm pretty stuck either way.

Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone.. And I hope you find the medication helpful to you! Send me a message if you ever need to talk :) x