View Full Version : hello newbie here

21-09-12, 21:01
Hello all my names ant and I am 38

I stumbled across this site last week after being prescribed Propranolol and wanting to know a bit about it.

My story:

I've suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and had shaky hands for about 15 years and self medicated on, yes, you guessed it drink, too much drink in fact. I've just spent three weeks in hospital with chronic alcohol withdrawal after stopping suddenly because my legs had cramped up.

I thought stopping would cure it, wrong, I was rushed to A&E and put on various drips to detox safely (found out I'd got peripheral neuropathy as a result of years of drinking 10+ pints of cider per night)

When I was discharged I was given 10mg propranolol and it seems to be working fine for me at the moment but yet to go or do anything stressful.

My question is today I was prescribed 2.5mg Ramipril for my BP but don't think I need it cos even though I'd taken the propranolol I felt a bit on edge stilland pushed up my BP (think it was 195 over something), if it turns out I do need it would the two meds go together.

Hope this makes sense.


21-09-12, 21:09
Hi :welcome: Ramipril will lower your blood pressure and the doctor would not have prescribed both if they didn't go together so you will be fine taking both. I hope you find lots of help and support on this site :)

21-09-12, 21:11
Hi antonyds

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-09-12, 22:08
Hello & :welcome:

I take a beta blocker plus 2 other meds to control my blood pressure. I think your doctor knows what he/she is doing...if you are worried have a chat with the pharmacist, they are very helpful. Good luck.

Kitti :)