View Full Version : lumpy throat

22-09-12, 00:39
well its that time again ,nighttime ! ive had some real bad events in life in a very short time , ive been put on sertraline by the dr , but just laterly a have started to get a lump in my throat , always at night just before i go to bed then it its added to with a stong heart beat , not racing , just strong and i get this in my ear too whilst trying to sleep on my side , these have only started since i been on the setraline , i also get a tingling at the front of forehead , not like a headache , these added to my current stresses are stopping me sleep properly and causing me distress , im near the end of the current sert i have so will see dr next week , has anyone else had the same symptems and what treatments you have used

22-09-12, 12:21
Could be some side effects of the meds Shaun or perhaps your anxiety is up? I get the pulsating niose in my ear too when laying on my side, it is very annoying. Sounds like palpitations too....all the usual symptoms of anxiety I would say. Make sure you tell your doctor exactly how you are feeling, write a list of your symptoms before you go so you don't forget anything. He/she is the best person to advise you.

Good luck, I hope you feel better soon :hugs: x

22-09-12, 18:55
hi kittikat , dont think its meds as been on same dose 3wks now ? feel my anxiety is real high at mo just dont know why ,will see what dr says about changing or upping / downing the sertraline , also this morning while awake but not out of bed i had some real scary bolts / jolts like an instant electric shot shoot through my body very scary:ohmy: