View Full Version : can anxiety really cause so many physical symptoms

22-09-12, 04:33
Feel terrible just now, its one symptom after another, just worrying surely anxiety can't cause all these symptoms?
Ringing in ears
Blurred vision
Head rushes- especially after lying down can feel a rush of warm going up back of head and neck
Sore arms/ legs/feet
Hot flushes....only 28
Pressure behind eyes
Noticeable veins
I have been at docs a lot recently due to noticeable veins and pain around them, still don't really know what's going on,just can't help but think something seriously wrong! :'(
And to make matters worse my husband in america for a month, everytime he phones I wish I could tell him how bad I feel but he would only worry.

Jen x

22-09-12, 06:06
I know how you are feeling right now, and those all seem like symptoms of Anxiety. You have to be strong and tell yourself you are going to be fine. Is there anyone else around you can talk to? Anxiety can make you feel a LOT of things, but it all in your head. Next time you worry about something take a deep breath and tell yourself "im okay," tell yourself that. It helps me. You went to the doctor right?... well its out of your hands now, its in the docs now. If the doctor thinks its something serious, don't you think he/she would not let you leave the hospitable? Just know you are not alone, and that you are okay! be strong! I know exactly what you are going through.

22-09-12, 10:00
Hi Jen,

You've asked the question that we have all asked ourselves at one time or another and it's only through accepting that the answer is yes that we can start to recover.

As long as you've had a clear diagnosis from your GP (who's ruled out other causes) then it's very likely that it's anxiety causing all your symptoms.

It took me a long time to accept this as the symptoms are so real, it seems impossible that they were anxiety related. Once I realised this was the case, my anxiety became much less and easier to manage. Reading the forums on here should help because you'll realise that so many people struggle with that question but it may help to convince you it's true.

Take care

Pip x

22-09-12, 12:45
anxiety can produce any sympton in the body ..
ive had no end of symptons all year ect like most days ....
chest pain
jaw ache
on edge 24/7
the list goes on and on in honesty its evil what the mind can do to a person
its like your scared 24/7 half the time of everything its awefull ...your body is
on like high alert constentley ...usualy with anxiety you have bit depression aswell ....doesent seem an end to the nightmare ...:-( i feel for you all ive had this on -off for years but been rough this time around since dec 2011 threw to much stress ect ect and my body aint gone back to normal since ..:weep:

22-09-12, 12:56
Te human brain is more complex that we can imagine (ironic when it's the brain that actually does that) point being, this year I have had multiple symptoms and even more multiple tests and all the test come back negative but my brain says otherwise. I know I can overcome this, trouble is I need my brain to work for me for a change :)

22-09-12, 15:50
I have been on this site for 3 years and only last week read the symptoms part on this site. I was amazed at how many physical symptoms came from purely anxiety alone and found reading why this happennes really helpful and reasuring :)

22-09-12, 18:46
Hello Worried-Jen.

First off, YES! Anxiety can totally cause SO many physical symptoms as I've experienced a lot myself. Your brain can play lots of horrible tricks on you.

You see, every time I get a symptom that's due to anxiety, I worry about that symptom, then everything is 10x worse. It's a vicious circle.

Recently, I had frequent urination and increased thirst, so what was the first thing that sprang to mind? Diabetes. I had several blood tests done and all came back negative. I told my doctor about my anxiety, then that's when he told me that anxiety can cause frequent urination, increased thirst, headaches, dizziness, etc etc.

Anyways, have you tried any relaxation techniques? There are a LOT out there you can try. You should try what I do sometimes. Go to a quiet place, lay down and listen to some calm, soothing music. Also, concentrate on your breathing.

23-09-12, 06:59
I am going through very similar symptoms to you at the moment. It's very scary. I have been to the doctors and the hospital and had pretty much every test imaginable done. All came back suggesting that I am perfectly healthy. I'm assured that 5 different doctors have told me that my symptoms are being caused by major anxiety. It doesn't make the symptoms any less alarming though. It really is amazing the power the brain has over the body. I'm only 22 and this is my first really big anxiety attack (although, now looking back I obviously had smaller attacks previously). I am trying to learn some relaxation techniques in order to get more sleep (I am so anxious right now that i'm going days without sleep, which my doctor says is a huge cause of my physical symptoms). It's nice to read on threads like this that so many others have had similar experiences.

14-02-15, 20:18
I've had health anxiety for 10 years and always had mild tinnitus and never bothered me but recently I've just been having panic attack after panic attack over tinnitus and the fear of it getting worse and making me go crazy... I think it's the anxiety making it sound louder.

14-02-15, 20:53
Anxiety can cause hundreds of symptoms, I don't normaly tell people to Google lol but Google 100 anxiety symptoms and there's a huge list of symptoms that can be caused by anxiety xx

08-03-16, 12:45
Today i got very much relaxed as i found suffering from anxiety which shiws number if syptoms . I suffered 3 years back from anxiety because certain change in life then after my marraige of been 3 years again my anxiety is comback because of my family member death due to cancer of mouth at very early age , i got more anxious as suffering from anxity day to day my symptoms worse first i felt like heart attack which is panick attack due to too much worried then after by after lots of different symptons like blurr vision , dizziness, feeling like faint anytime , not able to walk , hypertension caused high rate heart beart feeling that i am suffering from BP promblem but i am just a 25 year old , even my doctors accept me as suffering from anxiety , my parents also saying me u r thinking too much but how can i told about that i really getting symptoms of other disease , one more problem as google alot that play most important role to get me worried alot but after reading which other people suffering from this today i feel relaxed and find my way to get out from anxiety by not focusing any of symptoms as they dis appeared.

08-03-16, 13:43
Mine is more terrible, my symptoms will just come and go, it has no schedule or specific day:
Dizziness(more persistent)
Chest pain(will come and go)
Abdominal and back pain(will come and go)
Headache(will come and go)
Breathlessnes(will come and go)
Insomnia(will come and go)
Fatigue(more persistent)
Bloating( almost always)
The doctor diagnosed me with IBS, and Panic disorder.