View Full Version : How do you deal with grief?

22-09-12, 07:07
I know this isn't technically Health Anxiety but I wasn't quite sure where else to put it.

In the space of five years I have gone from an overweight, fairly happy, capable, fun and exciting person to a underweight, suicidal, disabled and boring person.

A few examples

Before GAD/BPD/OCD started:

1) Completed college, had unconditional offer for Portsmouth university
2) Decided to take a year to think, started work and quickly built up the start of a promising carer in IT
3) Went out regularly with friends
4) Went on holidays as much as possible
5) Enjoyed computer gaming, photography, golf, shooting and many other activities
6) Loved food and weighed 23 stone, although I was happy with it and, at 6ft4, it looked OK on me

Five years later

1) Leave the house maybe once every two weeks
2) Unable to work
3) Have lost all friends and have a girlfriend who is getting fed up
4) No money and unable to leave the house
5) Use over 200 disposable gloves per day just to do the basics like shower, eat, open doors etc
6) Lost all interest in everything I used to enjoy
7) HATE food as all it does is cause pain and suffering (IBS, bloating, cramps etc) and now weigh 12st.
8) Medication resistant although trying Mirtazapine
9) Constant anxiety, pain and misery
10) Think about killing myself nearly all the time, it's my only mental escape and the thought brings me a little comfort but frustration as I don't have the guts to do it
11) Spend the rest of the time crying
12) Sex drive has totally gone

I really don't know what to do now, I know I am grieving my old self, the promising future I had and the things I used to be able to do. It just never seems to get better at all.

22-09-12, 11:26
Hello uk23,
Does your GP know all what you have posted? if not ,print it off and take it asap.
Can you say what triggered things off from part one to part two?
have you had tests to see if your stomach is ok?
you certainly have lost a lot of weight.
I am sure there will be some other help you can have.
Don't give up xxx:hugs:

22-09-12, 13:01
i fully understand mate a year ago i was cycling every day and just getting on with life then in (dec2011) had major stress that blew my anxiety and depression threw roof ever since ive gone like to
barely leaving house much ..only to shop
no interst in nothing
tones and tones of physical symptons
dont enjoy life no more
negative thinking on everything
constentley thinking im dying
scared 24/7 of everything
just feel flat ect with no go in life
basicley just excisting in life ..
crazy how your life can change so much in like less than a year ..
im stuck in a rut now that i cant get outta :-( not good at all ...
just cant get outta it feels like im in too deep ..
this aint living at all just suffering as such ....

22-09-12, 15:17
Uk23 I think you need to speak to your G.P and maybe have some counselling. I suffer with lots of Symptoms too and have negative thoughts but I try to get on with it (dont always to be honest). I have some really good days and some terrible ones. I know how awful it feels. I wish I could switch this off but I cant I have to cope with it for the sake of my very Loving Husband and beautiful daughter xx Sending you lots of :hugs: