View Full Version : meteor shower last night?

22-09-12, 11:07
2 nights ago my bf said he saw like 9 shooting stars and i thought okay. And last night i logged onto facebook and a few ppl were saying was that a meteor in the sky! Someone described it as a fireball, just talking to a friend and he said it was suppost to have been a meteor shower

This is not good for my panic, i woke up last night heart racing and pounding! But now im thinking maybe it happens all the time........

22-09-12, 11:32
We get meteor showers quite often, Usually around about August 12th and I think another is due in November. I don't think last nights was expected. Nothing to worry about. My dad used to teach astronomy so I guess I grew up with it and things like that don't worry me but I know a lot of others do worry about it. I just find it interesting. :)

22-09-12, 19:22
If we could see everything in the night sky, there would be more white than black. Our atmosphere acts like a shield, deflecting or destroying things as they enter. Shooting stars, I believe, are small fragments of rock or debris that are flying through the atmosphere at an angle so steep they're burning up - hence the beautiful trail. I saw one that was a classic-looking asterisk that glowed green. Never seen anything like that since.

Just in case anyone wanted to know, the Earth also projects a magnetic field which deflects galactic radiation. As a species, we seem set on hurting the planet that goes balls-out to protect and nurture us.