View Full Version : Sick of emetephobia! Would like some advice/help please.

22-09-12, 17:26
Hi all.

I'm 17, nearly 18 and had this phobia for as long as I can remember. I'm continously belching and everytime I feel something travel up my throat I panic/get scared that I'm about to throw up. EVERY TIME. What makes it worse is, sometimes I belch and it feels very watery which scares me even more because vomit can be watery too...

Since this happens everyday and every 5-20 minutes or so you can imagine how frustrating it is for me.. This phobia has practically taken over my life as I'm constantly worried about being sick although I have not been sick since I was 10 years old... So it doesn't even make sense. :wacko:

Every time I have to use the bathrooms in college and use my sleeves to open doors, flush the toilet etc I STILL worry that in the next day or so I'm going to get the stomach flu....

If I see someone throw up or say they feel sick, I freak out and use any excuse to get away from that person. I don't like to say stuff like 'If you're going to be sick then keep the hell away from me' because it would come off as harsh, so I make other excuses instead.... I've lost friends because I've told them politely to keep away from me if they're ill... They think I'm nuts...

Oh and PLEASE don't say overcome it by being sick because I won't! Ever. If anyone can relate to me or can help I would be VERY grateful. :yesyes:

22-09-12, 17:42
I totally understand your worries as I am emetaphobic too. The fear of vomiting is the 6th most common phobia so there are a lot of us about and you are not alone with this.
Have you talked this through with your GP?

22-09-12, 17:55
I totally understand your worries as I am emetaphobic too. The fear of vomiting is the 6th most common phobia so there are a lot of us about and you are not alone with this.
Have you talked this through with your GP?

Hello Flossie, and thank you for the reply!

It's great to know that I am not alone out there with this phobia. I have not discussed this with my doctor yet, but I am hoping to make an appointment next week to be seen. I just hope that I will finally be able to get over this phobia and continue with my life.

22-09-12, 18:23
You sound alot like me, my emetophobia and health anxiety is the cause of pretty much all of my panic attacks. I know what you mean about running away from people if they're sick or just feeling sick, it seems like a horrible thing to do but unless others have experienced the terror we feel everytime that situation comes up it's impossible to understand. I hope this forum helps you on your journey to conquer this.

22-09-12, 18:32
You sound alot like me, my emetophobia and health anxiety is the cause of pretty much all of my panic attacks. I know what you mean about running away from people if they're sick or just feeling sick, it seems like a horrible thing to do but unless others have experienced the terror we feel everytime that situation comes up it's impossible to understand. I hope this forum helps you on your journey to conquer this.

Hiya Chrissy88 and thank you for the reply!

I agree completely with you. A lot of people call me 'silly' or accuse me of just not wanting to be with them everytime I get away from them if they're sick, although I've explained to them about my phobia.

I also have health anxiety so I can totally relate to you there. Every minor pain or any other symptom that occurs I automatically think it's something serious, like cancer, diabetes etc.