View Full Version : More than a Panic attack?

02-08-06, 19:34
Hi, I generally only get PA's if I try to travel abroad.
I have no fear of flying, but once the aircraft door is closed a panic builds up to a frightening extent.
This gets so bad that I feel I have no control of myself and no mental stability ..... it's like falling into an Abyss ![8)][Ugh]
I had the same reation on a Ferry two years ago.

Is this beyond the confines of what is known as a Panic Attack?
Can anybody relate to this extreme reation?


02-08-06, 20:35
Hi Dave -
You said it yourself that you feel like you have no control over yourself. Maybe that is what is causing your panic is the same feeling of lack of control.
The broadest definition of a panic attack that I could find is...
The sudden onset of intense anxiety, characterized by feelings of intense fear and apprehension and accompanied by palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, and trembling.
The thing is though that you make it through it and that is the most important part. The main thing is to not let the fear and panic take over and make you not do things that you usually do. It's really hard - I know but if you face it and work through it then each time you can say to yourself that you may have had anxiety but you still made it. I truely believe that is the way to beat it.

02-08-06, 20:44
Hi Dave

I used to fly to my sisters in Germany, never panicked, it was great,then one flight they shut the doors and wham that was it full panic, at the time i was taking diazepam i must have taken about 25 mg and they never touched me, i shoock from head to toe, the thoughts were terrible, to this day ive never been back on a plane, personally i think it was due to the fact that i was tired and wasnt my best, plus the fact that i couldnt get off, but thats not how you look at things at the time you just feel this terrible impending doom where the panic will never stop, so yes i can relate to youre situation

all the best


02-08-06, 20:54
Thanks Denise, I also have flown to Germany on several occasions, as I was based out there for five years.

I find it very strange that something unknown has triggered this off.

Your PM is very much appreciated, chat again I hope?


02-08-06, 21:07
Hi Dave,

I find this a quite reasonable reaction for anyone suffering panic attacks. Anxiety is often about control and comfort zones.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-08-06, 23:44
Hello Dave, I have not flown on a plane in awhile, but I have ridden on a bus and for me it is the same. I can get on the bus thinking alright, great this is going to be fun. Then once the door is closed, my heart starts racing and on comes a stupid PA. Although this has happened, I still stayed on the bus, it was to late to get off anyway. I was carring botteled water so I took my meds as fast as possiable and set on the isle near the front of the bus. And prayed to keep my santity. Seems like a plane is worse though. Maybe the thought of being out of control of you surroundings and freedom brings on your attacks. Hope you can get over this. Have you tried to take a good friend with you just for alittle test flight? Hope you can get better soon.

03-08-06, 07:14
HI guys

I can relate to Dave and Twilla too. I am the same on a bus I feel panic escalate when the doors shut and I feel trapped - its the same in a theatre, cinema or even in the doctors surgery!!

My daughter says its because Im a control freak and hate not being in control of a situation - so I must learn to relax more and not be in charge all the time!!!

I try to still go to places I am scared of but hate it!
Love wenjoy x

04-08-06, 05:23
You're right Sandy.The most important thing is to do it no matter how scared you are otherwise the anxiety wins.If it wins one it'll keep winning

Don't believe everything you think.

Two heads
04-08-06, 21:57
Dont give into the gremlin dave!
Next time you brave going on a plane just take plenty of stuff that you find relaxs you.And try to kick any bad thoughts out and replace them with thoughts of what makes you happy.Im flying in three weeks and im dreading it but im going to try not to think about it to much as i will work my self up,and for what?xx

06-08-06, 21:16
Hi Dave,

You said that you don't know what has triggered this? Do you feel this because you used to be able to fly with no problems? If so, I know what you mean. As you know, I hate flying too due to being confined & out of control. However, I used to LOVE flying, to me, going on holiday was not really going on holiday unless I got to fly there.

So, for me, the trigger was the stress & hormones playing havoc with me after the birth of my second child 8yrs ago. But, this trigger did not just mean I could not fly, it meant that every form of transport, even being on a motorway, became a terrible ordeal for me.

What I am trying to say is, that everyone has a trigger, but knowing what the trigger is does not stop you from still feeling panic & anxiety. Even though I know my trigger, I still hate that feeling of being trapped, of being out of control.

I think I know what you are trying to say though, & that is that it is so frustrating to now fear something that you never used to fear. Is that what you mean?

I do know exactly what you mean also about the fear that you are going to lose control of yourself & go crazy! It is a horrible feeling.

In answer to your question, this extreme reaction, is not beyond the confines of a PA. I think that people have different reactions, some think they can't breath & are terrified of passing out. Others think that they are having a heart attack & fear dying. Others, fear that they are going crazy & that there will be no one to help them.

I know how horrible it is, but you are not alone. There are so many people who feel like this. So next time you do feel like that, when you feel that you are so alone & the only one who feels like that, you are not, & hopefully this will help & stop you from falling into that Abyss.