View Full Version : Worse night of my life...I called an ambulance.

23-09-12, 08:24
Ok so last night was probably the worse night ever of my life so far with regards to panic attack.
Let me explain a little, so I have been fighting constant anxiety for about 3 weeks now all day everyday and night, I have been on meds for about a week now 80 mg of propranolol and 10mg of citalopram. Last night I felt ok, I was looking after my little sister and although anxious I was ok. All of a sudden I felt the panic kick in, arms went cold, couldn't breathe, face arms and legs going numb, heart racing, obsessive thoughts. I could not control it, my mum was home by this point and I broke down. Then I started thinking about weird things like the sky was too big and what was underneath the earth!! Really weird but I just couldn't stop. My mum told me after it was lke I was a different person or someone on drugs screamng, pulling on my clothes, trying to get out the front door. I just grabbed my phone and dialled 999. Something I have said I would never do. But in my mind something was wrong, I felt wild and crazy and not in a good way, out of control. Ii scared myself badly.
The ambulance came with the nicest paramedics ever. I apologised over and over, I felt ashamed that I had called them, they couldn't do anything really but they made me calm down and I felt better.
I couldn't sleep, felt anxious and everytime I closed my eyes I felt the weird thoughts again.
I've woken up now after a night of very little sleep. Still feel a bit anxious and scared of what happened. I'm still having the odd thoughts a bit.
Should I stop the meds? Could it be that? Or is it a reaction from holding it all in for 3 weeks?
I'm still scared and unsure what to do, I feel like I'm going mad and will end up in a mental hospital!! Why am I scared of the world? I just can't stop thinking about how big it is and I have feelings like I'll fall off!!! So weird but very scary.
I'm sorry for the long post, I felt like I needed to get it out.
Any advice would be great!!
Thank you
Hannah x x x

Matt King
23-09-12, 08:45
It just sounds like your anxiety got the better of you. I called an ambulance the last time i smoked cannabis because of a bad experience of intense panic. Honestly, that was the scariest thing i've ever experienced so i understand how you feel. And you won't ever god mad from anxiety.

Are you seeing anybody for CBT? I think some of the techniques could really help you. Hope you're feeling better now :)

23-09-12, 08:58
Could be the antidepressants, I had the worst panic attack on them, I had unusual thoughts and images in my head plus paranoia and fear.
I had to have someone sit with me for a while until I felt back to normal.
I personally knew it was the drugs as the images in my head weren't something I never had before.

23-09-12, 09:01
Hi i sounds like it could be the citalopram heightening your anxiety, this is a common side effect with most ADs that usually passes in a couple of weeks, hope you feel better soon :hugs: xx

23-09-12, 09:14
When I started Cit I had a night time attack that was one of the worst I have ever experienced. I kept getting these worrying thoughts too. Everything seems so unusual to me. I was sat in my room and although it's the most familar of places. I just couldn't get my head around it. The one thing that scared me most was this feeling..It was the same feeling I had waking in the night in fear as a child. Notthat I had anything to fear. My childhood was the best. Just a scary,doomy feeling! I know the desperation and I have came close to 999 many times. I also dwell on these attacks. The really bad ones I relive and replay in my head. I make myself remember how I felt...I don't know why I do this!! I have to stop myself. but suppose it's all part of the obsessive thinking that is so common with us anxiety sufferers!! Try to let it go. It's over now and gone. Start today fresh and accept that you feel anxious but try and forget and don't dwell...no matter how disturbing the experience was! xx

23-09-12, 09:42
Hi, it does sound like it could be the antidepressants they made my panic so much worse at first i couldn`t leave the house & also had weird thoughts it made me feel as if i was going mad it was so awful, the doctor gave me some diazapam while i got thru this i only took one small dose at night & it seemed to help, it`s so awful when your going thru it but i`m positive you will come thru this take care:hugs: