View Full Version : Date day

23-09-12, 14:04
So today is supposed to be when I go on my date. I'm not. I just can't see a way of going about it. Really horrible that anxiety can stop you living. I feel so annoyed. I don't even feel too bad today but just don't want to put myself in this situation. I know that he understands that I have panic attacks and DP etc but I just dread that feeling of anxiety and doom. Feeling really down about this today. I like him alot.

23-09-12, 14:24
hi there ....in am totaly understandable to how you feel ...but whats the worst thing that can happen ? ...and if this guy is really nice ..he will help you through , ....once your out and with him , it may help to talk to him about other things , and interests .....i know its not so easy , but .......you may think later on ,,,,thats you should of gone , .......do something nice , or go and watch a film , ....and if he is worth it , he willl show that your worth it too !!! .......be brave , and be possitive and try to enjoy things , ...you may suprise yourself ...and see it as a little chalange , ....you will be fine , you have nothing to lose !! :hugs:.....take care , and i hope you dont think i am being non understanding in my advice , x

23-09-12, 14:27
Thanks for your advice! I know I need to face the fear and just do it and I suppose there are other factors too. Like the anxiety that anyone gets before a date. I feel like perposely exposing myself to anxiety is stupid. Although I get that it is a more positive anxiety. Once the ice is broken etc I will have a lovely time with him but I then worry that I have a random attack of just feel not with it/that impending doom I seem to get around the same time most evenings! It's so hard.

23-09-12, 14:31
this may be different , if you break the habbit and routine of the feeling you get at evening , ..........and if he is a nice guy , he will support you , ...of course its up to you , ....but if it was me i would try to let it not beat me ..and i do understand , ....i suffer too , xx

23-09-12, 14:35
He sounds like an understanding person and you say he is aware of your anxiety. The worst part is getting the courage to go out but if you can do that you may be able to relax and enjoy the evening. If you feel like your anxiety levels are getting to high you could explain this to him. You didn't say were you are going on your date but if it is in a public place I am sure he wouldn't mind if you needed to leave for some fresh air for a while. Like the book says..'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. I hope you manage to go and enjoy it but I understand if you can't, it is so hard when the simplest things cause so much anxiety :hugs::hugs:

23-09-12, 14:42
Well I am thinking maybe it is other issues stopping me too! I just really hope he likes me! I might wait another few weeks. I am getting better and stronger everyday. The meds are kicking in. The CBT is making me feel so much more positive. I had an anxious night last night but dealt with and didn't dwell on it! xx

23-09-12, 14:54
I am pleased you are thinking more positive again. What is there not to like about you? I haven't met you but you seem a lovely, caring person and if he doesn't like you there is something wrong with him! lol

23-09-12, 15:39
i agree with Annie, you seem like a really nice person!

i would also caution on putting off meeting with him, as sometimes if you put something off for fear of what could happen it just makes it harder the next time, though this may not be right for you!

I hope whatever you decide you feel calmer :)