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23-09-12, 17:05
just I thought but i've found that my family dog has been very clingy since i've been having attacks do you think they can sense your distressed x

23-09-12, 17:18
My dog is also worried and stressed atm,maybe because I'm kind of depressed and don't want to leave the house. I try not to show him and play with him walk him out but I think it's kind of useless.

23-09-12, 17:22
I think animals can sense when you are not well. I have a cat and while I have been home from work ill he has never left my side. He even follows me to the bathroom and either sits outside the door waiting for me or goes in with me. He even sits on the edge of the bath when I am in it :)

23-09-12, 21:38
Annie my cat was the same last year after my operation! I think animals can sense when you are not feeling well, mine now tends to leave me alone (cheeky thing!) unless i'm feeling really bad and crying, then he'll come over and meow or purr at me. :)

23-09-12, 23:44
I don't know so much about dogs, but cats do not tend to communicate with each other very much using sound. Most of their communication is done through body language. Cats are extremely sensitive to people's unconscious non-verbal communication.

Dogs are more pack animals and do use some sound to communicate with each other. For this reason I would expect them to be a little less receptive than cats to your non-verbal communication. But then on the other hand, dogs normally form a more dependent relationship with their owners than cats do, so they are probably very sensitive to anything they do notice.

I do think animals are more aware of our moods than we often realise, due to our non-verbal communication and behaviour changes.

My cat is not one of those nurse cats who cuddles you when you are poorly or down. She is more the type to take advantage of any weakness and beg for extra treats until I give in.

24-09-12, 00:11
My dogs defo know when I am having a bad spell, if I take to bed my little yorkie will follow me and even if I am there all day she won't leave my side. My other dog just sort of hugs me, sounds daft I know, but he really does, love my dogs so much, always a source of joy and affection to me. Xx