View Full Version : adult diagnosis for autism

23-09-12, 17:50

Having had a few run ins with work concerning inappropriate, arrogant and supposed rude behaviour I've asked my GP to refer me for a test for possible autism (most likely Asperger's). I've done the Wired AQ test and constantly end up in the lower end of the autistic spectrum and it does make a good deal of sense of past events eg lack of friends, poor social skills, saying wrong things at wrong times for no obvious reason, lack of emotional empathy etc.

The thing is autism has, as they might say, an image problem and I don't see myself fitting that image typified by a young child with a flat expression, obsessively playing in a world of their own. So I'm not really sure what I'm letting myself in for, but an official diagnosis would make things a lot easier at work and explain so much of my past that I might be able to plan better for the morrow.

My question, obvious as it might seem, is has anyone else had a diagnosis as an adult for autism and what can I expect?

one of us

23-09-12, 20:50
I do not have much experience in adults with autism, but do work with children with autism/aspergers. if you think about the condition being a spectrum with sever difficulty at one end and mild difficulty at another, Asperger's syndrome is at the higher end of the spectrum.

The children that I see with this ondition would say something that might be perveived as the listener as rude but they would only see it as stating a fact etc. Children with Asperger's do make friendships (thinking about your point about children playing on their own) but may find them hard as it can be difficult for them to take on other people's opinions and points of view.

It might be helpful for you to refer yourself to your localSpeech and Language Therapy Department who will be able to discuss the communication features that you struggle with and will be able to assess some of the Features associated with Autism/asperger's. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.

25-09-12, 09:08
If it makes you feel better, I took that test (as well as a couple of other similarly 'scientific' ones, i.e. not ones on Facebook) and consistently came out as... how did it phrase it... something like '80% of moderatly autistic people got a similar score to you', and the image placed me well into the autistic spectrum. But I don't believe I have autism.

Call me callous (ha! unless you believe I have autism, in which case maybe this is characteristic of my condition!) but I would love to actually be an Aspie, as then at least people would be able to say 'ohhh, that makes sense' rather than 'we need to have a talk about your attitude', and my inability to form meaningful bonds would be explainable easily. Plus I could then get help.

So it's possible for you to score highly in these tests without it meaning much, perhaps there are other factors that have created an autistic like scenario?

25-09-12, 20:24

You seem to be reinforcing the view that anyone on the autistic spectrum matches the stereotypical world view of autism, which would prefer to shut it way. The truth is that people on the autistic spectrum vary greatly, but none deserve the treatment that have recieved in the past.

Given what I know about myself I wouldn't be surprised with a positive diagnosis, and it would help me, esp. at work. Even with a PhD under my belt I have never really achieved what I feel I should have achieved and I would at least like to now why, and if there is anything I can do to help myself. I wont say its not causing me some anxiety, but overall I'd prefer to know than not.

Time will tell
