View Full Version : Today's a bad day, not coping

23-09-12, 17:53
Today is a bad day, I just can't lift my head off the sofa, the world is spinning and I feel on the verge of a panic attack the whole time, I am exhausted with this and I just don't know what to do anymore, been crying all day, taking propranolol but it's not doing anything to help and I feel like my doctor is sick of me and I feel embarrassed to go back to her. My kids look at me all worried "mummy just has a sore head today" god I hate myself, I just want it to stop and I want to feel like a human being again and not terrified all day. So sorry if I am bringing you all down with my negativity x

blue October
23-09-12, 17:57

23-09-12, 18:16
Hi Laura, Sorry you are having such a bad day. I am sure your doctor won't be sick of you and I think you should go back to see her to try to get some more help and maybe a change of medication. sending you :hugs::hugs:

23-09-12, 18:24
I know I need to go back to my doc, I don't know what else she can do for me, I have had cbt, relaxation therapy, all kinds if antidepressants over the years, I just think I am a hopeless case I honestly do. I don't know what state a person has to be before they get the right help. I have gad, social phobias, agrophobia, depersonalisation, panic attacks and health anxiety, I am spiralling out of control right now and am trying to hide it from everyone cos I just can't bare that look folk have in their faces when you say how you are feeling, I think they all think I am nuts! Thanks for replying x

23-09-12, 18:41
I've had a bad day too, spent the afternoon thinking I was having a stroke! Nearly went to A&E I was that convinced. Feeling better now but dreading going to work tomorrow. It's so far away from home and hate having to put on a brave face and talk to everyone. I'd love just to have my own office and be shut away from everyone!

23-09-12, 18:56
Joanna I feel for you, I can't drive further than my little village, I just panic, I had to leave my job 3 years ago because I just couldn't cope in the office with everyone able to see me, I was panicking all day. You are so brave and should be proud of yourself. Xx

23-09-12, 19:14
You really aren't a hopeless case. Is today a particularly worse day? I had a really good day yesterday but a really anxious night. When I am feeling at my worst I feel like I have never had a moment of relief. You are no way bringing anyone down with negativity. We all get our really bad days and are all here to listen and support each other! Is there any relief whatsover for you? Also can you trya second doc ifyou feel that your current one isn't helping as much as they could?

23-09-12, 19:27
Thank you, Laura. I'm hoping I'll get a little relief soon as things tend to be good for a few weeks after a bad episode.

We moved offices last year to an open plan one, feel so exposed, I hate it.

23-09-12, 19:39
Dont ever feel youre bringing "us" down. we've all been there and know excatly how you feel. Go to another doc in your practice if you dont feel you have a repor with the current doc. But, its prob the way your feeling. I know. When your feeling down, you think no one understands just how bad it is and think everyone else can cope with "normal" life and that they wouldnt understand how terrible you feel. I'm sure every gp has heard your type of story. Have you had help from cpn? ask for a referral perhaps you need antidepressants. I personally have never taken them, and dont think theyd help me, but I do think they would help some people who have a deficiency in certain brain chemicals.
You will have good times as well as the bad. Mabey sometimes - just a few good hours in the day or perhaps whole days. so remember that. take care and keep posting

23-09-12, 19:48
Thank you all so much, I guess you know how much it means when people hold out a hand, I do have good days, days when my symptoms are tolerable but they are always there, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I will phone doc on Tuesday, it's a holiday here timorrow. Thanks again xx

23-09-12, 21:31
I'm sorry you are having a bad day, i had mine yesterday and today was tolerable so i do sympathise with you, i really do! Hoping things ease for you and you have a better day tomorrow. I think going back to the doctors can only be a good thing.

Thinking of you...:hugs:

24-09-12, 00:17
Thanks paranoid tree, I feel a little better tonight. I just read your blog, husbands are wonderful things aren't they :) xx

24-09-12, 09:54
yes they certainly are :)