View Full Version : Citalopram

03-08-06, 07:54
I have just joined the web site and would like to know if anyony has experienced any side effects when coming off Citalopram. I have been taking it for approx 1year for panic attacks, but my doctor said I should have a break. I finished taking them last Friday and have just had an attack. The doctor said I did not need to ease myself off the pills. After last night I want to take them again. Am I being silly?

03-08-06, 10:27

I was on ciprimol for 5 years and had to wean myself off them it took about 3 months everything was great. Then 2 months later god knows why cause nothing happen i was off again with anxiety and crying all the time. My doc has put me back on them at the moment i feel awful 3 weeks in, but im sure i will improve. My doc also told me that i would probably be on them for life but they wouldnt do me any harm!!! we will see!!!

I do think that you should have been weaned off them, but see how you get on, for a while longer while you are med free. If necessary go back on them, its your mind and your choice.

Take care

s shaw

03-08-06, 11:12
Hi cclp,

I was on citalopram 20mg and then upped to 30mg. I started them last june and came off them then end of feb this year. I find I'm fine not being on them. I haven't had any side effects what so ever.

I would say that stopping them last friday shouldn't cause you any side effects as they are backed up in your system arent they. You have to take them for at least 4 weeks before they take affect so I would but assume that it would take about that long for it to come out your system.

Could it be that your panicking because you know your not on your tablets anymore? and that you maybe don't feel 'safe' so to speak with out them?

If your not sure what to do about your meds make another appointment with your g.p and tell them how your feeling and see what they make of it.

Hope you feel better soon.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

03-08-06, 11:32
I had problems coming off it, had terrible head zaps for a couple of weeks but that was all, they soon settled down though at the time it felt like they would never go away.

Face, accept, float, let time pass

03-08-06, 19:06

Welcome aboard.

It is certainly not recommended to go cold turkey coming off your meds. I am shocked that the doctor did this to be honest. You should be tapered off them slowly to reduce the side effects.

If he has told you to come off them has he suggested any other help like CBT for example?


03-08-06, 19:36
Having been on Citalopram 40mg x 3daily for 5months, I went down to 2 x daily for a week and then stopped. My doctor more or less left it up to me but under the proviso that it isn't a very good idea to just suddenly stop.I had no side effects and have not been back on them since, even though I have had a few scary episodes. Maybe it's because I hadn't been on them for very long that things went so well? Personally I would try and see how things go for a bit longer before contemplating going back on them, but everybody is different. Following your doctor's advice is very important but I am surprised he didn't warn against just stopping suddenly.

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