View Full Version : Hello, am I anxious?

23-09-12, 21:32
I'm a 38 year old male living in Manchester.
I just want to say hello to everybody.
I don't even know if I suffer from anxiety or not. It's just I keep feeling really really ill.
I feel like there is something inside me eating away, literally.
My neck feels like it's closing yet I can breathe normally.

Every time I search one of my symptons, it brings up this site.

Sunday is always the worst, but this neck closure has only been around for a couple of weeks.
Of course I've been to the docs, regularlly but they just say nothings wrong, without doing any tests.

Anyway I'm more scared than you can believe, I don't want to die at 38.

23-09-12, 21:44
Hi webbo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-09-12, 22:11
Hi Webbo,
Sounds alot like anxiety.. You will find so much useful info on here. Get reading and chatting to people. I have found the people on this site to be so supportive and kind, sure you will to x

23-09-12, 23:02
Hello Chris
I'm sorry to hear that you have been feeling unwell. It sounds like you might have anxiety as it can cause many mental and physical symptoms. I do think that you need to speak again to your GP and explain again your worries and symptoms. He may prescribe something for your anxiety to see if you feel any better, or perhaps some counselling or CBT.
I'm sure you'll get loads of help and support from this site. The site and members have been a great comfort to me.
Best of luck. x