View Full Version : reassurance needed please

23-09-12, 22:16
Hi all
Im so fed up today fed up of feeling rubbish and symptomatic everyday.Fed up of living in fear and being scared to do things.I know im going out now and going in shops for a while but i dont feel like im getting anywhere as im still very anxious.Im feeling im not going to be able to recover cos im constantly anxious and my feelings are just as intense.I know im thinking ahead but i just want to feel normal again everyday is a struggle at the moment all i can think about is how im feeling.When will it get easier?maybe im not keeping my mind stimulated enough when im at home in the day but its hard to think of things to do other than housework and i dont feel as though i would be able to cope going back to work as yet.How do i break this cycle?just want some relief.Also the thoughts aswell i get anxious when i think about what ive got ahead of me i.e going out in the car going to supermarkets etc.My mind has been racing today and this i know is creating more anxiety and tension keeping the cycle going round.Dont feel as though theres any light at the end of tunnel for me
claire :weep:

23-09-12, 22:31
Hun can't believe I'm saying thus big there def is.
It's a long rocky road I won't lie but gradually you will get there.
I went on meds seven months ago and finally almost me but I did change to sertraline hence the time taken to get here but I went through the racing thoughts is this is blah blah. KeepIng busy def key to recovery as I find even now harder on my own to keep the thoughts at bay but you can and will get there xxx

24-09-12, 10:33
Hi Claire, I am sorry things are so difficult for you at the moment I can relate to your situation. Try and find a hobby that you can do at home, I play Candy Crush on Facebook, it's quite a popular game and I also do wordsearch.
You are making an effort to put yourself out there, hopefully one day soon it will pay off and your anxiety symptoms will not be so great.
I have social anxiety so I can understand how difficult is is when you seem not to be making any progress while you are out and about. With the help of others I have arranged a meet up in my local area, why not try that?
It would be a step in the right direction.