View Full Version : re-introduction

24-09-12, 06:22
I joined this forum about six years ago I guess. I just found an old email in my email inbox and I found the link here. I had forgotten that I joined this site. Anyway, my name is Ashley. I am 26 years old. I've got social anxiety and low-self esteem problems. I've been getting made fun of since I was 12 because I don't have a pretty face, which is the reason for the anxiety. I have a hard time going out and meeting new people because I am always worried that I am going to be judged for my face. I've met some really mean people in my lifetime. I thought when I was younger that people wouldn't be rude to be when I was an adult, but here I am 26 and I am still getting made fun of for not being pretty. Just the other day someone said I should get hit because I look more like a guy than a girl, so it would be okay. When do people stop making fun of others?

24-09-12, 06:54
Hi ashla86

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-09-12, 10:23
Hey ashla86,

I can't believe that people can be so cruel, especially adults. I hope you find respite here at NMP and make some new friends.

24-09-12, 11:12
That's really horrible, they have no right to treat you that way. Luckily though, you won't get any of that here, everyone here is really kind and supportive and also going through similar situations. I hope you find everything you're looking for here. :)