View Full Version : Under pressure, it's only a haircut!

24-09-12, 11:09
Oh my goodness, I have had a bad few days and I have a hairdresser appointment tomorrow, last time I went I had to leave with wet hair cos I was panicking, now I am stressed beyond belief about going back tlmorrow, thing is, I need my hair cut so bad but just don't think I will cope! Xx

24-09-12, 11:19
Hi Laura,
I really hate going to the hairdressers too. Is there anyone who could possibly go with you to your appointment? I found having someone else there with me helps put me at ease a little bit.

24-09-12, 11:25
Hi Laura - the thing is that a new hair cut can make us feel so good, sort of fresh and new :) So it would be a shame if you felt you had to cancel. Why not wait and see how you feel in the morning, even feeling just a little bit brighter may give you the impetus you need to see the job through. But if you still feel absolutely awful give yourself permission to cancel it until perhaps later in the week...it's only a haircut after all. Hope you're soon be feeling better.

Belle x

24-09-12, 12:00
Hi Laura, i had this exact same thing a few weeks ago when i was going to have my hair coloured. it really needed it as all highlights had grown out terribly and i was going to a christening (and as i was godmother would be in lots of photos!)

I went and i did start feeling panicky whilst i was there (just after they put the dye on my head as then felt i couldn't leave) but i did some deep breathing, played on my phone, wrote on my blog, read a magazine and did some self talking reminding myself that i was safe, i could leave whenever i wanted to if i felt the need to but how being in the salon was a fun safe thing to do and i stayed till the end of my appointment and it was ok - i even popped into Krispy Kreme after and treated myself to a donut!

Good luck :hugs:

24-09-12, 12:07
paranoidtree - off topic here, but I'd love to know where the part of your signature about "she's been in disguise etc..." comes from? It sounds very familiar, but I can't place it. I really like it.. has relevance for me.
Take care.

Belle x

24-09-12, 12:09
Oh girls its no good, I was sweating and shaking just thinking about it, I bottled it and have cancelled :( feel such an idiot. Oh well, one inch roots and split ends for a bit longer. Thanks for your encouragement though I do appreciate it xxx

24-09-12, 12:22
Hey Laura, it's ok, did you re-arrange it for another day? Perhaps some positive thinking prep will make it easier next time? And you're not an idiot, it happens to us all!

Belle: it's from She's A Star by James. One of my favourite tracks of these as i feel it describes me to a tee - i well up everytime i hear it.

24-09-12, 12:24
Don't be too hard on yourself, just remember that there's always another day and with everyday comes a new opportunity. You'll get there. :)

24-09-12, 12:38
Thanks :) I am still sweating lol jeeeez! I haven't made another appointment, I have other stresses this week to cope with, have a school play I need to sit through for 2 night in a row and can't miss it, don't want to let the kids down. That's my next hurdle! X

24-09-12, 13:18
How about finding a hairdresser that will come to your house :)

24-09-12, 14:03
I was just about to suggest the same thing, how about a mobile hairdresser? I have one now as I used to hate going to the salon and I certainly couldn't let them wash my hair after reading about some people having a stroke after leaning their heads back in those horrible sinks! I feel a lot more comfortable in my own home too so I'd definitely search for a mobile hairdresser.

24-09-12, 14:32
Kt79 I think that's prob the best bet for me just now. I actually dug out a highlighting kit and have done some wee highlights and actually it looks really good :) that's cheered me up a bit. Thanks again folks x