View Full Version : DVT fear

24-09-12, 12:20
Not sure anyone can help with this but I need a talking to.

I have seen my GP about this and he has reassured me at my age (33) and no family history I am fine. I have had 3 healthy pregnancies. I am on a low dose combined pill for my heavy periods (Loestrin 20) which my GP tells me is such a minimal risk, less than 1/10000 he said.

I worry over every leg pain and lately I have had knee pain on and off on my left leg. Since yesterday I have had nasty stabbing around my left knee, especially on the inside of it. I keep worrying it is DVT. I saw my GP with a similar pain a month ago and my GP told me DVT does not cause that type of pain, and the knee only hurts if you have a DVT because of the swelling in the calf. My GP also told me DVT hits quickly, and the leg really swells up quick so you would know about it.

I am happy being on the pill as my periods are now nice and light so my terrible anxiety I had about them has eased but my health anxiety has really flared up about DVT and PE since going on the pill. I started the pill in July, 2 weeks after losing my Nan. It took me months to pluck up the courage to start it because of my DVT fear.

Can anyone help me with this. I have posted before but didn't really get any replies. I don't want to have to come off this pill as my life will go back to such awful periods, ovulation pain and spotting. My GP says I have done the right thing and I am at practically no risk but I am at the moment really worrying about this knee pain. I am seeing my GP Friday for some blood results so I shall be asking him about it then. I get such bad stabbing pain on the inside of my knee and random aches and pains down the leg:-(

24-09-12, 12:29
Hi, sorry to hear how you are feeling.

I have a similar worry about blood clots in my leg (my left calf) after an operation last year. i periodically get pains in it and near the knee and saw a few different doctors who all told me it wasn't a blood clot and that i am low risk.

I then saw my osteopath and asked her about it. She poked and prodded me in my calf then she pushed on a lower part of my back, i jumped out of my skin! it hurt so much. She said that due to tension/way i'm sitting/walking i've been overcompensating in order to protect my right side (where i had my appendix removed) and was therefore causing pain on my left side hence the pain in my calf. She did some work and magically the pain went. i still get it every now and then and sometimes i do freak out about it but know (deep down) that it is probably referred from somewhere else.

Sorry for the essay but wanted to explain that although your concerns are real it may be that you are getting the pain there due to it being referred from somewhere else (not to worry you that anything else is wrong as i doubt it is) i think it could be a muscular pain - have you thought about having a massage and seeing if this could help?

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

24-09-12, 12:39
Thank you. Yes my GP did say it could be pain coming from somewhere else as I have had sciatica in the past. He also said that DVT does not cause stabbing in the knee, which is where I seem to be getting my pain. He seems to think it is from wearing healed boots after wearing flat shoes all summer, driving my car alot too. I never stop then when I do I feel this pain.

It is horrible when you're not imagining it, and you feel stupid going to the doctor about it, lol!

I just don't want to keep worrying, or I will have to come off this pill:-(

24-09-12, 13:27
i think doctors are quite used to it! I don't see any reason to come off your pill and what your doctor said about the shoes and driving makes sense - i drove for the longest time on Friday for weeks and my legs ached in the evening! there was no other explanation for it.

Hopefully the doctor can ease your worry but maybe a massage for your back might help too? Put you back in alignment?

24-09-12, 13:33
Thanks for replying again, kind of you.

Yes I will keep rubbing my knee and leg to see if it helps ease it x