View Full Version : Fluoxetine 20mg - the first few days - please share your experiences.

24-09-12, 13:48
Hi everyone,

I'm on day 11 of 20mg fluoxetine for acute stress reaction.

I've never used it or any ADs before - this is the first time such an experience has happened to me - so it's difficult to know what to expect. I'm combining the medication with CBT. I've been signed off work. Fortunately I'm back home with the support of my family.

At the moment I can report the following:

A real struggle to get out of bed, feeling so lethargic especially in the morning and early afternoon, feeling a bit queasy, easily distracted, figgety, a zombie-sleepwalking state at times, finding everything takes so long to do, not being bothered to do much, generally feeling low.

I've been told the effects will start to kick in at the three-week point, so I'm determined to persevere.

What have your experiences been?

Kerolay xx

24-09-12, 14:23
For me it was scary at first, but now it's great! :)

Fight the side effects. It's going to be so worth it I promise! PM me if you start having side effects and ill let you know if I experienced the same.

The side effects can be quite scary, but you'll be surprised that they only last for a very short time.