View Full Version : Generally constantly worried.

24-09-12, 16:58
Hi everyone. As a new member, I'd just like to say that my H/A is driving me nuts!! My latest fear is the fact that I've unintentionally lost about 4lbs in 5 months!! I've had a heart trace/chest x-ray/bloods done about 4 weeks ago-all AOK. It just seems that I latch on to anything that's 1% not as it should be-I'm sure I'm not alone!! Anyone else in a similar pickle?
Male-aged 54-employed-active. Have not really changed eating habit or routine. Thanks in advance!!

24-09-12, 17:16
I have just lost 11lbs in 3 month and it is just due to my anxiety making me nauseous and not wanting to eat! If you have had tests done and they are all ok then you must try to trust your doctor. I know when you have HA the slightest little thing sends you in a panic but once I have spoken to my doctor I always feel reassured and more relaxed again. :hugs: