View Full Version : health anxiety or ocd

24-09-12, 18:05
Hi all,

I am not sure what is wrong with me, but I seem to go for days worrying about my breathing or the fact my mouth feels dry. Is this general anxiety, health anxiety or some kind of ocd.

I read this article and wondered if this is what it is referring to:

Obsession about sensations or getting better

What you feel:

This a big one. A thought process develops where the person is constantly trying to figure this illness out, or is constantly checking their body for twinges, aches or pains, and odd sensations. They also begin checking (often referred to as 'testing') their mental thoughts to see if there is a hint of physical or mental illness somewhere. As a person begins to get better, this process seems more entrenched and becomes more apparent. Also, they may find them self doing this at every leisure moment, then getting into a mental battle with them self to try and stop doing it. It may also seem that their mind is always 'going', and they can't seem to stop from thinking, analyzing and problem solving about getting better.
What causes this:

This symptom is very common. Sometimes people may even feel that they have obsessive compulsive disorder because of the obsessive nature of the thoughts they generate.
Sustained ill health will often lead the individual to dwell on it, especially if it is something that appears as mysterious as anxiety disorder can often seem. With symptoms that are often confusing and surreal, attacks that can render anyone fearful, and a cure apparently nowhere to be found, it's understandable why we can end up focusing our entire attention on it.
If you experience this symptom, the important thing to remember is that this is a developed mental habit, not a serious mental condition. And, as with any habit it can be replaced with a healthier habit.
When you feel yourself experiencing this symptom:

Recognize that this is a symptom of an over stimulated nervous system.
Do your best to remain calm.
Recognize that it is a mental habit, not a result of a serious mental illness.
Thought stop or thought swap with another affirming or more pleasant thought.
Take a few moments to relax and deep breath.
Carry on with a distracting activity.
Rest, understanding, thought stopping and thought swapping will help to diminish this symptom. It's important to truly identify it as a symptom and not a condition.
Remember, it too will go away when the body and nervous system get sufficient rest. If it seems to be lingering, then it has become a habit and one that you can replace. ??

25-09-12, 16:10
That article sounds a lot like what I have and I put myself in the Health Anxiety box but my boyfriend has been diagnosed with OCD and he's often said the two are very, very similar! He says the way I act reminds him of himself when he was my age lol.

I think anxiety is more like a tangley web rather than separate categories myself. For example, people with social anxiety can start to get anxious over their health and people with health anxiety can start to get anxious over social situations.

It's a very tricky thing, I guess you don't have to put a specific label on your own personal anxiety. I thought I only had Health Anxiety but I find posts I relate to all over this forum in most of the categories. x

25-09-12, 16:27
Thanks. I suppose I just need to know so that I can find the right treatment. Do you have similar symptoms as the ones I have described?

25-09-12, 16:49
Yea, I get obsessed with my breathing, heart rate etc and the minute anything in my body feels "odd" it's all I can think about for days. I obsessively check anything on my body I find that I consider to be "abnormal" too.

Ask your doctor about CBT if you haven't already, I've read a lot of good things about it! :) x

25-09-12, 17:37
Thanks, It feels good to know I am not the only one with this. other than CBT do you find anything that helps. Sometimes, I will obsess over my brrathing for days, then it will change to my blinking and so on. It makes me feel trapped in my own body!If you have any advise, that would be great. Thank you again. Sending you a hug as you have made me feel better :bighug1:xxxxxxx

25-09-12, 18:00
You're very welcome! :hugs:

When I get obsessed with natural things I have to do like breathing, blinking, swallowing best thing to do is distract your mind away from it as the more you think about it the more prominent, annoying and worrying it becomes.

I focus my thoughts outside my body instead of inside it or what it's doing. Really concentrate on the television or I have a conversation with someone and really listen and focus all my attention on it. I count noises around me and name them all, read a book and really concentrate, listen to songs I enjoy, take my dog out, literally anything I enjoy that takes up a lot of my brain lol.

It won't work if you're still even half thinking about your breathing etc because your main attention will eventually be dragged back to it so you really have to focus your mind. At first it's really hard to do but it does get easier to distract yourself and forget about it over time. xx

25-09-12, 18:21
Thanks Pokerface, I will try that. Thank you so much


---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

what do you think of this article:



25-09-12, 19:44
Yep, that article is really good, thanks for sharing I found it really interesting! :)

You should always go to your doc to check for any underlying medical causes for symptoms and if there is non start to treat your anxiety/ocd. That article has got a lot of good solid advice and tips on how to overcome your thoughts and obsessions!

It's a good start to go to your doctor and ask for help to treat it, there's no shame in medication and/or counselling, it could really turn your life around! x

25-09-12, 19:58
This is why I am confused as this article says it is an ocd? but as you say there is clearly an overlap!

Glad you found it helpful. I am on prozac at the moment and getting some cbt, hoping to feel better soon.

Glad you seem in a good place though, you give me hope!


26-09-12, 05:55
I have both HA and OCD and can say they are very similar BUT I do notice a difference between the thinking patterns. It's a fine line and only a psychiatrist can make a diagnosis.