View Full Version : Really worried please help

24-09-12, 18:12

Well I have a a real fear of cervical cancer and this time I'm so frightened I have it and it's been left untreated.

Bit of background info, I had an abnormal smear some 12 years ago which was treated and I then went on to have normal smears for some years after. I had my little boy and noticed a lot of bleeding after intercourse and even though smears were clear I was referred back for a colposcopy. They weren't at all worried, said it was just some delicate cells and removed them. I've since learned this was an ecroption.

Then my next smear after this treatment came back bordeline. I went back to the clinic and had another colposcopy and lot of treatment and biopsy result was no significant abnormality.

My following smear showed some inflammation but I had a water infection at the time and the nurse send it is quite common to have this after treatmet and it's just where the new cells haven't come through yet?

I've since had three clear smears all within the last few years the last one last May but they say I'm not due for another one now til 2014.

I'm now 39 and have been experiencing some problems such as intermittent bleeding after intercourse which doctor says is due to a small ectropion, she also said in Jan this year my cervix looked completely healthy which she said it apparently doesn't in cases of Cervical C.

I had a clear ultrasound and internal in Jan this year due to having a couple of wonky periods, which they put down to my age.

So fast forward to this month and I found a few days after my period ended I had some brown/pink discharge which worried me but I thought maybe it was just the remnants of my period.

Now I've been having quite a lot of discharge this month and although the spotting seemed to have stopped I've still been worrying something is wrong.

The last few days I've been having lots of discharge sorry TMI and I've just been upstairs to wipe and what I'm losing is copious amounts of clear discharge with blood streaks so I'm now scared to death.

I'm sorry theres so much to read but felt I had to give some background info so you will know why I'm so petrified it is Cervical C.

Please help don't know what to do I'm so scared I know they've missed it on my last smears:weep:

I keep reading forums and women on there are saying their CC wasn't detected by regular smears and they were diagnosed late!!

Oh forgot to add the bleeding after intercourse my doctor thinks was down to me being so tense and the last couple of times when I've used lubrication it has been ok.

24-09-12, 18:17
The clear discharge could be you ovulating, how many days has it been since your last period, when I used to ovulate every month (on implant now do no ovulating or period) I had the clear stuff too, that's normal and healthy, and sometimes it could be blood streaked which I saw the doc about, and ovulation spotting is fine too. Xxx

24-09-12, 19:11
That did occur to me Laura, although I'm at day 24 in my cycle, I don't think I've ovulated yet this month and with the spotting after my period I guess it could have delayed it.

A few months ago I had a really late period which the doctor said is just down to my age and hormones doing their own thing.

Just can't stop worrying about cancer, I keep reading all these posts where women say they had clear smears and the cancer was present the whole time, what if I'm one of them :shrug:

24-09-12, 20:51
I think if you are that worried then you should tell your doctor what you are worried about and ask if they can do anything to put your mind at ease. We are only a number in this world, might as well be a loud one :). Also, you mentioned other tests you have had, I would say that it's even more unlikely they would have missed anything. But if you need reassurance then that's what you need to get xx

27-09-12, 12:42
So I went to the GP again, saw a lovely lady doctor who checked me again, she said everything looks absolutely normal and I just have a small ectropion which she thinks is causing the spotting. However she said to put my mind at rest they will do another ultrasound and when that comes back she will if I want refer me to the hospital to have the ectropion treated.

I explained I was really worried about cervical cancer etc and she said she was completely reassured my cervix was looking v healthy and my smears are up to date etc.

I then came away feeling a bit more reassured but a few hours after I left her I had a bit of pink discharge which I thought could be due to the examination. I then had a lot of bright red blood like I was starting a period which i would have been quite relieved about as I could have put down the previous spotting to ovulation, etc. I also had really bad cramps and had to take painkillers. Got up this morning and nothing everything has stopped.

So i'm now even more worried, if my cycle was normal i'd be due on tommorrow but why would it start then stop. I'm so stressed right now and know that this is probably not helping but I can't help thinking something is really wrong. Last night I was wearing pads and today there's absoloutely nothing at all when I wipe.

Help so sad at the moment don't know what to do :weep:

miss diagnosis
27-09-12, 13:01

I understand how you feel as cervical cancer is a big worry of mine too.
I had my smear 3 weeks ago and got the all clear but the first smear i went for i was having lots of discharge and discomfort for weeks before hand.got the smear and a swap..all clear and the discharge just stopped!

Also the second one i was having bleeding after sex and was really worried..again all clear...I had a little cut just inside my vaginal wall which bled and thats what was causing it.Also after it happened once i was so tense that it would happen again that sex was awful for me.

Try not to worry.If you had cervical cancer the erosions on your cervix would be visable to the naked eye. If your smears are clear and upto date then your fine. In Ireland last year only 70 women were diagnoised with cervical cancer compared to 10k with breast cancer so it is a relativly rare disease even though it seems like its not.

27-09-12, 17:15
Thanks for your reply.

It's always useful to get another perspective.

I've been reading up quite a lot on the internet and it does say stress plays a huge part in regulating our cycle and causing periods to stop/start etc and I have been worried about my period non stop for the last three weeks, so I know it wouldn't have helped.

Just wish I could stop panicking, all I keep thinking is the doctors arent rushing and they're not concerned, so by the time I do get seen it'll probably be too late.:lac: