View Full Version : please help. my HA is quite bad at the moment

24-09-12, 18:32
Hello everyone,
I just wanted peoples views on this as my HA is quite bad at the moment and I can't think rationally at the moment.
I have had this mark type of blemish on my face for 4 months. It started off as a raised lump and them it formed a pigment- brown and red. I knocked it and a scab formed for a month. I still have a red mark about 3 mm by 3 mm.
I have been to see 2 doctors and 1 nurse and they all say they are 99. 9999 % sure it isn't skin cancer ( I told them that's what I thought it was ) the doctors have been great but they have referred me the a skin specialist to have a look but she did say she wanted to reassured me she doesn't think its cancer.
Normally that would reassure me but now she has referred me to a specialist it is still making me worried. She said it could be a hemangiona( broken vessels or where the skin cells have been damaged and can't repair themselves so may need freezing off.
I still can't get the thought of it maybe skin cancer out of my head and its 2 months until I see the specialist
Please could I have someones opinions as I can't think logically on this at the moment.
Thank you very much for reading this

24-09-12, 18:38
If they thought there was any possibility of cancer, they wouldn't have scheduled an appointment 2 months out. I am sure you are fine! Sounds like a scar or something.

24-09-12, 18:51
Indeed! If a specialist has any doubt he/she'll just say "We have to make sure", or something vague like that. If they appear (practically) sure it's nothing... it's nothing. :)
If the last doctor recommended you a specialist, she's just being thorough, so it's a good thing.

04-10-12, 08:51

Thank you both for taking the time to reply x

04-10-12, 09:22
There probably certain it's nothing just trying to cover their backs I'm sure your fine try not to worry too much because 2 months is a long to to spend worrying :) ( I'm an expert worrier)

05-10-12, 16:20
Yes, I agree. Two months is a long time time to spend worrying