View Full Version : Why is my heart racing when I wake?

24-09-12, 22:02
Just a quick question - Sometimes when I wake in the morning I notice my heart is beating at a quick pace, usually normalizes pretty quickly. Its like I am waking up and then I'm like shit as I realize my heart is flying away then its fine again. I also get palpitations everyday and the cardiologist said it was due to anxiety but I find it hard to completely trust what he said.

Is this something to worry about?

I just want to know that my heart is in good condition and I won't die of some heart related condition. My biggest worry is that my heart is just going to stop and I will collapse and die on the spot.

I have had the following tests done:

Resting ECG
Stress test

I haven't had a 24 hour monitor and worried that maybe they missed something and I should make them do that to be sure?

Some advice would be much appreciated

Thanks for reading

24-09-12, 22:14
I wake up like that every morning and yes it is anxiety also palpitations during the day from anxiety. Your heart won't stop beating from this and you have had tests done to show that your heart is fine so it will be anxiety. It is a horrible feeling but can do your body/heart no harm. I get up now as soon as I wake up as the longer I stay in bed the worse it gets. :hugs:

24-09-12, 22:19
Thanks for that Annie, does make me feel a bit better, its all about the reasurance :)

24-09-12, 23:23
Waking from sleep. Before you wake up, your body trickles stress hormones into the bloodstream. This helps you get up, but also slightly stresses the heart. That would explain faster heart beat on waking.

25-09-12, 09:21
I had this every day before being diagnosed with HA. It was very scary...however after starting the meds it calmed down. I had all the heart tests (ECG, ultra-sound, holter) and everything came back normal