View Full Version : New here too, although, I am Mom of 17 yr Son with "Severe OCD"

24-09-12, 23:04
My Son, now 17, has been suffering OCD for about 7 years, I had to take him out of public school in second grade, we just homeschool him, He sees and therapist and a psychiatrist, he was started on sertraline and Clomipromine, each visit psychiatrist just asks us how he is doing, in my opinion, there has not been a positive change, last visit, dr took him off sertraline, and increased clomipramine, the only change i've noticed, is that he wants to sleep all the time! all of the OCD symptoms seem to be the same. after about the third visit, he cut his arms, then came to me about 2 days later, it was winter, he was wearing longed sleeves and didnt think anything of it. He only did that once, and made me a promise he would never do it again. I think he was wanting extra attention at the time, we did have extra family members living with us, it caused a hardship for everyone. I don't know what to do, we are about a year into med treatment, he is not socialable at all, he washes his hands until they crack and bleed, is there anyone who is expieriencing the same, who might have some direction, for a mother standpoint, even for him. he does want friends although he said only who understand him and except him. any HELP????

24-09-12, 23:15
Hi neverimagined

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-09-12, 00:26
Thank You for the warm welcome, I have looked around a little bit, I hope to hear from everyone soon, with any experiences and or advice available to me.

29-09-12, 12:53
Sounds like your family are going through a terribly tough time. Personally I think you are doing an amazing job. You've got your son the support he needed early. I've had OCD since the age if 12, I'm now 34 and I wish I had the support you are giving.

Here in the UK they have support groups for family members caring for a lived one with a mental illness. They are brilliant. They are mostly run by family members and you provide each other with support and guidance. I'm sure they must also have them in the US. If you don't get the support you need soon then you may also end up with MH issues.

Hang in there, he will have good and bad day. Take care