View Full Version : I think I'm getting worse :(

25-09-12, 01:19
So it use to be shopping centres & waiting rooms that would make me anxious & bring on panic attacks but the last couple of weeks the mere thought of leaving the house & driving is enough to nearly make me cry. Where did the independant sociable me go? Coz I want her back. Think I'm loosing my mind.

25-09-12, 07:33
I have had the shopping centre and waiting room panic attacks, leaving the house and driving panic attacks, it is very difficult, but perseverance is the only way to beat it. Keep doing what you fear and one day it will all feel right again. Try to stay strong and positive.

25-09-12, 08:05
Hi Aust mum,
Have you be avoiding shopping centres etc? I found when I avoided what I feared my confidence dropped and I became increasingly anxious in a number of different environments. It's not that I was getting worse as such, but I lost confidence in my ability to cope with symptoms of panic.
I agree with bobby dog, persevere and push yourself to do things you fear. Everyday, several times a day if you can. If its too difficult by yourself then explore graded exposure work with a CBT therapist, if that's a possibility. If you don't avoid there really is only one way to go and that's onwards and upwards.
Big hugs x