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View Full Version : Is this PTSD???

Kate Naomi
03-08-06, 13:31
Hi everyone,

I am not sure if I have PTSD....... My anxiety started when I was 18 (now 24yrs). I was walking home and I was sexually attacked and strangled by 3 men. They kept me prisoner for about 4 hours, I was convinced that I would not make it out alive.

Afterwards I was hospitalised for a few days but I did not think about the incident at all it was like it never happened. However I did develop an anxiety problem and had issues about being on my own and also I developed very low self esteem.

Recently the anxiety has come back on an even bigger scale and most of the time i feel like I can't breath. I try not to think about the incident as I feel like I am being silly, I am also frightened about what it would trigger in me.

I don't talk to anyone about it but I have been taking Zoloft.



03-08-06, 17:17
Blimey Kate, I'm not surprised that you developed an anxiety problem, what an awful thing to have to go through.

Did you receive any counselling following the incident? If not, could you suggest this to your GP?

Actually talking to a professional about what happened could be very beneficial to you.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

Kate Naomi
04-08-06, 19:07
Thanks for the response Kate.

To be honset I have never really though about what happened (I know that sounds a little strange) I act like it did not happen to me. I know it is there but I block it out, I get nightmares sometimes.

At the moment I feel like the panic is controlling me and I am struggling. I did not see anyone when it happened but I have just started to see someone now, so far I have had one appointment!

I find it really hard to talk about it and am frightened about what it will trigger.

04-08-06, 19:16
Hi Kate,

That ordeal certainly seemed a nightmare and if only these people knew the consequences of their actions.

I think you have to face up to talking about this and am glad you have an initial appointment. You have to talk it out of your system and although they may be painful, you will be letting out the hurt rather than saving the pain inside which will probably catch up with you anyway.

I see you are in the UAE. Does that mean you are in a private health scheme. What sort of support is in offer for you?

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

Kate Naomi
04-08-06, 19:25
Hi Ray,

Thanks for the response, it is a big step for me even posting here and everyone is so lovely and supportive.

I am in the UAE and I have medical insurance through the company that I work for, however they do not cover anything that they see as psychological, so no counselling is covered and at GBP 100 a time its expensive!! But at the moment I feel like it is something that I need to do so I will worry about finances at a later date.

I am so nervous about all of this, it seems like it is the 1st time I have faced up to it all.

04-08-06, 21:00
Hi Kate,

Although it is understandable that you will feel bad talking about it, it may be just what you need to move forward.

I think you are being extemely brave talking about it all both here and to a counsellor. Wishing you all good luck.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

Sue K with 5
04-08-06, 21:05
Hi Kate

Wow I thinkk the fact the you posted your story shows so much courageousness. Well done posting. PTSD Victims from what I have read and seen can sit and there stories can lay dorment for many years. It is not surprising you feel the way you do and I think you are facing it with a good approach.

Dont let what has happened to you ruin and affect the rest of your life, I am a firm believer that when a part of your life is taken away from you it is replaced with something better, and I am sure once you have the councelling you will find that part and make a great success

Keep posting

Sue with 5


06-08-06, 06:30
Hi Kate,

I am sorry to hear about the circumstances that have brought you hear. I am sorry to hear you have (or may have?) PTSD.

Psychiatrists only are in charge of the meds/symptoms. Psychologists can help enormously for PTSD-ers. Alas, there are good psychologists and competent psychiatrists only. A good one I had was an awesome experience (had a PhD in Psychology) SOO effective.

Meds are a minefield! It was the hyper-vigilence and exaggerated startle reaction that got me the most (not to mention memory, concentration, interests, hermit behaviour, and anxiety of course)

I'm a PTSD-er with a delayed onset of 11 years after my traumatising incident. "It" (PTSD) knocked my legs out from beneath me - after all that time! a psychological cue triggered me with full-on PTSD. In hindsight, I can say that I attribute my much improved condition to 1/3 understanding PTSD 1/3 talking with my PTSD peers and 1/3 Meds (although only the last two I've taken have heped me).

Since you're an expatriate, you might find the internet a good source of help. Many links are posted on this site and if you want my favourites, pm me. I worked in Saudi Arabia while I had latent PTSD. I would hate to have had it come out while working there. I wonder if there even are any psychologists in Saudi Arabia?



Kate Naomi
06-08-06, 12:57
Thanks for the responses everyone. I really appreciate the support.

06-09-06, 10:04
Hi Kate
in your second post you say you didnt think about the incident "as if it never happened" etc. These are recognissed symptoms of PTSD so those of us with it also understand what you mean.
There are very many symptoms, and you dont normally get them all, so dont feel silly in posting any worries you have here, most of us will understand where you are coming from.
Im not the greatest at helping others but lots of the other users of this site are brilliant, so keep using it.

Take care


06-09-06, 13:32
Hi Kate,

I have tried not thinking about my own incidents, pretending that it never happened! That is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation!!! Your mind blocks out parts of the memories as you do not want to face them or are not ready yet!

Therapy will help, but be prepared facing this will be very difficult .So make sure that you have support! My own therapy would leave me in a very distressed state so I would arrange to meet a good friend of mine afterwards!! He has PTSD as well and I could talk through things with him! He is someone that I have known a very long time And I know I can trust him!

Have you got someone to support you? If not, feel free to PM me when you are feeling anxious!! my personal experience with the therapy was that although it was difficult talking about these things and facing them!! However I came out of it understanding myself a little better and a little more in control!!

So please continue even when you find it hard!

Hugs to you
