View Full Version : Always Worried

25-09-12, 07:44
I don't really know we're to start I just feel awful all the time, I was on citalopram for 7 years and came off in November 2010 and to be honest I've never really felt myself. To this day I still get the head shocks which make me panic. I had cbt and she said I'm suffering with health anxiety, I constantly think and worry about death 24/7 it's just not right, I wake up in the morning and my mind is racing that I'm ill and I'm so energy less within an hour of getting out of bed and I haven't even done anything physical. I have been missing work because I'm so scared of these symptoms. I'm that tired my head feels dizzy and I get the split second dropping sensation in it all the time. When I'm eating I'm anxious because I'm a little overweight and my head is telling me I'm going to have a heart attack. My memory is awful it just feels blank even writing this sorry if it doesn't make sense I can't think straight. The feeling of dizziness is the symptom I just can't take it's the thought of losing control or just passing out at any minute. I get no happy feelings at all its just black and why be happy when death is coming I just can't do it. My doctor keeps telling me to go on citalopram and half of me is thinking well maybe something is missing in my brain but the side effects were horrendous coming off them after 7 years I just can't face it. I just don't understand how I can be so tired within an hour of waking up and the whole day is a fight to get through its horrible.

25-09-12, 10:20
I think maybe you should go back to see your doctor and discuss medication, Sometimes we just have to give in and go down the medication route. If we had any other illness we would take meds for it so why not for anxiety. I know the side effects starting them and coming off them are not good but if you are not good now anyway, if you take them you know you will feel better. sending you :hugs::hugs:

25-09-12, 16:55
yes.... you should go back to see your doctor....