View Full Version : Insomnia???

25-09-12, 07:45
Hey guys,
I am recently at day 7 today of 5mg, I have to level up dose today and I am kind of worried.Just wanted to ask is insomnia part of my anxiety or is it the meds?I dont mind the vivid dreams, but sleeping 4 hours especially when you have walked (almost jogged) for 1 1/2 hours all day, I thought I would be kind of tired and sleep a bit more. When I woke up I found myself cuddling with my dog,which that made me relax, but I am struggling for sleep although my doctor prescribed me xanax (alprazolam) along with the meds.
Oh my is it always going to be like that?I seriously need to sleep some more cause the past 3 months have been hell to me.

25-09-12, 12:38
That will pass. I had insomnia in the beginning and it went away after a while, then I was so tired! that also went away and now I am back to normal but sleeping better than before meds :)