View Full Version : Petrified I have MS :( Please help someone!!

25-09-12, 15:18
I'm very worried about having MS :(

A couple weeks ago I had a migraine, with the pins&needles down one side of my face, my tongue and my arm & hand.

Since then the pins&needles haven't seemed to subside. They're still there down the left side of my face, with obvious numbness.

The left side of my body feels slightly numb and weak and almost... phantom to me.

I feel very disorientated as well.

The vision in my left eye has gone slightly blurry and more grainy - although I do have a astigmatism in that - so hopefully it'll just be this, but the DR said today loss of vision can be a symptom - trying to reassure me - BUT just freaked me out more!

I went to the DR who did strength tests, reflexes, took bloods and said it'd be HIGHLY unlikely if it was MS. But I am still really freaking out :(

I seem to have a lot of symptoms which point to it.

She's sending me off for a neurologist app as well.

I just need some reassurance if possible :(

I'm scared of slow deterioration.

I haven't googled yet, and I don't intend to.

I just can't get the fear out of my mind.

---------- Post added at 15:18 ---------- Previous post was at 15:17 ----------

I also have tonsillitis so feeling pretty run down anyway :(

25-09-12, 15:21
Don't google and trust your doctor who is sending you for further tests to reassure you. The doctor said it is highly unlikely it will be MS so you need to trust her :hugs::hugs:

25-09-12, 15:41
I just don't understand where these symptoms came from :(

---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ----------

I also feel like I'm loosing who I am and my mind :(

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I also just realised my swallowing has felt really weird - another sign :(

I have like ALL the symptoms :( :(

SO SO Scared. :'(

25-09-12, 15:47
Your doctor said it is HIGHLY unlikely so take reassurance from that :hugs:

25-09-12, 15:51
I'm just scared it's going to progress :(

Does anyone else get pins and needles and numbness on the left side of their face?

25-09-12, 16:26
I get numbness/feeling of not being 'real' down one side before and during a migraine, and a 'lazy' eye (if I rub it, it goes blurred for a while, and it feels too big for my head). It's due to a constriction/spasm of the blood vessels in the head restricting blood flow slightly (though not dangerously).

Trust your GP. They are far more qualified than Google. On Google you can find anything you want. You will NOT make yourself any calmer by Googling.

25-09-12, 16:48
I'm not going through a migraine atm though :(

25-09-12, 16:50
You can have a migraine (aura) without having the actual headache.

25-09-12, 17:00
But it's been constant for the last 2 weeks though :(

25-09-12, 17:10
If you're really concerned, I would suggest you see your Dr again first thing tomorrow, or visit A&E. No-one here can tell you for certain that you do or don't have aura migraine, MS, or even Dengue fever. We can try to support you, based on our own experiences, but they are just that: our experiences, based on our physiologies, which will obviously be different to your own. What we can tell you for sure is that you are experiencing health anxiety, and that this - and not the condition(s) which you may or may not have - is ideally what you need to address with the help of your GP. If not, you may end up feeling that you are chasing your tail in a neverending circle, whilst being diagnosed with every condition under the sun by Dr Google along the way. I'm sorry if this sounds in any way unkind as that is genuinely not my intention. As I said, you have our support, but you must try to look above the sea of symptoms your HA assaults you with, so you can see them for what they are, and begin to recover from them.

25-09-12, 17:29
I know what it feels like to have a real fear of MS, but you know that's all it is, as their is no clinical evidence to back up my fear. What I do have though is real health anxiety, which I am being treated for. What you have to ask yourself is 'what really is the point in worrying about something you probably don't have'? Live each day as it comes, worry is a waste, it won't change anything. Anxiety is a real pain in the arse, I've had seriously debilitating anxiety for the last 10 months, it's a struggle, but I've had enough of it now I want to start living again.

25-09-12, 20:10
I went to the DR's today and she said that she doesn't think it's MS.

I have tonsilitis or glandular fever too.

I'm sorry I'm panicking :(

Thinking about it rationally, the only proper symptom I have is numbness. And that only started after my migraine occurred. My friend asked me on a scale of 1-10 how would I rate the numbness and I said a 3.

Is numbness even a symptom of MS? And would it be much more chronic?

I did the test when I stand with my feet together and close my eyes and I feel REALLY unbalanced. But then I feel so, so ill right now I probably am unbalanced.

My astigmatism is probably contributing to the blurry vision.

I do feel like my whole body is being pulled over more to the left, is this something that comes with MS?

Because I haven't googled I don't know what is and what isn't.

I have to think positive;

My anxiety is peaking right now. I'm only 24. There is no family history of MS in my family. All these things are a good sign yes?

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------


rachel m
25-09-12, 20:38
Alice i,v looked at your symptoms and i dont see ms but what shouts out of the screen at me is anxiety. When you have calmed down a little take time to look around the forum at other peoples posts, not just from the last few days, but weeks there are hundreds of posts from people with the same symptoms as you including myself. dont worry you dont have ms. xxxxxxx

25-09-12, 20:45
Thank you so much, everyone for your continuing help.

I'm trying to calm down and think logically, re-doing my CBT. It's the start of a long, long struggle, but I'm trying.

I've checked the other posts too, there seems to be lots of the same thing,

And also this:

such a good symptoms list of anxiety.

25-09-12, 22:55
Can i just say , Living with my mum who has MS. It really isn't as bad as you probarly imagine it. She has had it for 8 years and still goes to the gym , she is very igh up inher job and still has a great life. I think she is doing so well with it because she is always so positive. A positive and optimistic outlook always helps

25-09-12, 23:26
I thought you end up in a wheelchair?

Does it sound like I have it?

I'm sorry about your mum - that's fantastic she's living such a full life though :)

Thanks :hugs:

26-09-12, 16:07
Your symptoms are not like hers and most people continue being able to walk, all be it with some sort of aid