View Full Version : Anxiety over my blood pressure. Advice please :(

25-09-12, 17:58
Hello everyone. I've been having this problem for months now, ever since my nan had a stroke.

We had to buy a blood pressure monitor to monitor her blood pressure at home. We would all use it though, but everyone else's bp would be fine except mine, which would be VERY high. Both numbers well over 100, I had nearly 300 at one point... I just found it strange that this would only be high on me! I got other people to put it on me too and the same would happen.

I've never been to the doctors specifically about this, as I'm scared they'll laugh at me and send me out. But every time I've been and they've checked my blood pressure it's been 80/60 or a little lower. They normally say it's "perfect". The highest it's been while having it done by a nurse/doctor was about 120/60 but that was during a major panic attack where I was up A&E.

So yes, ever since I used that home blood pressure monitor I've been worrying like hell due to the fact that it was so high, on top of having a fear of strokes :(. It's been ruling my life ever since! I don't know wether to go to the doctor and tell them about it, or ignore it??? Any advice would great.

25-09-12, 18:16
Are you sure it was 300? I think you may have misread it. The monitor usually shows it up to 190 which is very high so I don't think you would be here if it was 300. Ideal blood pressure is between 90-120 on the top figure and 60-80 bottom figure. If you are feeling well I wouldn't worry about it. High blood pressure is about 140-190 top and 90-100 bottom.

25-09-12, 18:28
Yeah, nearly 300 is basically off the chart so I dunno if it was just the monitor :S, especially as it's been in the normal range when I get it done professionally.

I just need to stop panicking!!!

25-09-12, 18:37
It could be a problem with the monitor especially if it showed 300!!!Don't worry, if it was really high you would have other symptoms. Don't worry :hugs:

25-09-12, 18:41
What type of symptoms though? I seem to get these headaches daily and I'm scared that it's linked to it :/

25-09-12, 18:44
I get headaches with my anxiety. If you are worried I would go to see your GP and have them check your blood pressure there to reassure you.

25-09-12, 21:04
I hate my obsession with blood pressure. On one day I checked mine over 50 times. I made myself I'll. I am normally about 135-80. Is this bad for 28?
JSP- you sound like your blood pressure is just perfect. People would love to have your readings. And the 300 is not right. Its impossible, literally.

25-09-12, 21:22
I hate my obsession with blood pressure. On one day I checked mine over 50 times. I made myself I'll. I am normally about 135-80. Is this bad for 28?
JSP- you sound like your blood pressure is just perfect. People would love to have your readings. And the 300 is not right. Its impossible, literally.

Your blood pressure is normal