View Full Version : In need of some kind and positive words

25-09-12, 18:28
So today has been ok. I relaxed for the majority of it and went to pick up my sicknote from the docs and did a little shop in Waitrose...picked up some Camomile tea (only to discover that I already had a brand new box in the cupboard) I felt fine during this trip. Strange how I never seem to remember the ok times. I am currently days away from my period (sorry male readers) and am feeling SO anxious. I just feel impending doom and uneasy right now. I am trying to distract but am SO fed up. I feel like I am resting constantly but something tells me that it's making things worse.

25-09-12, 18:51
i do that all the time when it comes to herbal teas! i've got two boxes of jasmine tea, 1 box left of peppermint, it drives my husband mad!

i don't always remember the good/ok times either, one thing i tried to do was have a 'good day box', i haven't used it in years but it was a box where i could pop anything related to good days/memories - i also wrote notes like 'got to supermarket today by myself' and popped them in so i had a place to go to remind of me i had good times.

Periods can do odd things, i didn't have any for three years when i had a coil, i had it out earlier this year and am still trying to adjust to the monthly cycle again :doh:

Resting is good but perhaps try to do something each day - maybe take a short walk or drive, bake a cake - something that makes you feel you have done something (though only stuff you are comfy with) but remember that you are AMAZING! and will come through this. it will get easier :D

25-09-12, 19:03
My periods have stopped, I am on nexplanon, but before I got mine, usually a week or so before I would start to get dizzy, palpitations, anxious, all really bad leading up to it. Hormones defo send you off the charts, hugs xx

25-09-12, 19:36
Thanks for your replies both! I am feeling better after the tea and I am distracting myself..Just wrote in my CBT journal.

I do go out once a day. Even if it's just in the car for a drive or to the shop for ciggies (bad,I know) but yesterday just felt like a set back becasue I drove to the nearest city and I had a bad experience. It wasn't the location it was anxiety about how disconnected I felt. It's my main trigger. Just never feeling "with it".It's like I am drunk all the time. Well..that level of control. You are aware but not in power to help yourself. I was in Blockbuster and trying all the usual. Distract..concentrate on other things. This helped me to stay the duration but it was still a sensation that didn't pass. It was just endurance on my part and I am so sick of having to endure it. It is exhausting and I feel like I am wasting so many opportunities!! Sorry to moan and bring negativity!! It's so hard. DP and this impending doom feeling I get...are my two triggers for anxiety. If they went. I wouldn't be anxious!!

25-09-12, 19:45
I went through a similar thing last week LoopyLu - having a 'bad' day and it overclouding the following, good day. I like Paranoidtree's idea of a 'good day box' though. I might do something like this myself :)

25-09-12, 19:50
I feel really run down and exhausted when I have my periods + anxiety. It's a real downer. All I can suggest is give yourself lots of TLC. I know resting is boring but its what your body needs. Eat well, maybe some light exercise to lift your mood and just be good to yourself.

I've had DP quite bad the last two days but instead of being worried about it I'm trying to enjoy it. I've always enjoyed solitude to read a book/have a bath ect away from all the noise and chaos of life. So I've been going walks with my iPod on and reading alone in the bedroom. When I'm better I'll miss having quiet times so I'm going to enjoy them instead of freaking out about being detached. That said i'll probably have changed my mind and be back to freaking out by tomoz :)

Glad you're feeling a bit better x

25-09-12, 20:27
That is exactly what happens Elle-Kay...today has been better so hopefully this will have a knock-on effect for tomorrow. The box is a great idea! I also like the idea because it is a good way to remind yourself that there are good days! You just aren't so aware of the moments because you are too busy being genuinely distracted from anxiety!

This makes perfect sense Lissa! I did have a few moments last wees when I really appreciated having the time to myself. Just putting myself back into the stressed out frame of mind that I was in...I am definitely going to appreciate the time more. I just need to remember how much better things are at the moment. Three weeks ago I couldn'y leave the house/eat/sleep and was terrified with no relief. At least it's now in doses. You have all really made me feel so much better this evening! Thank you s
all so much :hugs: