View Full Version : HA sparks off when someone "says" something

25-09-12, 18:55
I guess a fair few of us on here suffer from health anxiety. :) I just wondered if anybody else "invents" symptoms or feelings if someone else just mentions that they happen to be ill? I have this and it's driving me nuts, because I just can't differentiate between what's real and what isn't. At the moment lots of people in my office are complaining they are unwell (colds, flus stomach bugs-that's the one I am most petrified of!!!) and they keep on mentioning it and going into detail about how unwell they feel. My colleagues know nothing about my health anxiety, as I keep that to myself at work, so I guess they think nothing of it telling me how many times they threw u or whatever...(sorry), but this really affects me, as I start to panic that because I am stuck in a room with them for 8 hours a day, I will pick up what they have. I know it shouldn't be a big deal, but I just hate the thought of being ill. What's worse is that I convince myself I am ill and then start feeling actual physical symptoms, even though I am most likely fine. Does anybody else have this too. Thanks. :)

25-09-12, 19:47
I think I'm a bit like that too. I remember the other week a colleague of mine said she'd come out in a rash over the weekend and I immediately started asking her all sorts of questions trying to diagnose her. I was worried it might be contagious and I was paranoid the whole day I was going to get it.

I hate it when people at work tell me horror stories too. Obviously they don't know anything about my HA so they don't understand what it's doing to me inside my head. "I knew someone who held in a sneeze and they died of a brain haemorrhage" Whaaaaaaat?! Stories like that stick in my mind. People should really keep some things to themselves!

25-09-12, 20:17
Yes, I think that's true. :) as it seems that just hearing things like that sets us off. I guess if other people don't have HA they just don't think, do they? Quite a scary one with the sneeze. I must say that's one I haven't heard before! :)

26-09-12, 09:36
Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! I think he must have had something there already and then pressure in his head from holding in the sneeze just set it off. Although to this day, I've always made sure when I need to sneeze I let it out, whereever I am!

26-09-12, 13:12
I seem to "get" things when people have had it. ie my uncle had a life threatening hernia and the week after I had a (imaginary) hernia.
My cousin had a virus which caused half of her face to feel numb and droop (like when you have a stroke) and I worried about that happenning to me for years.
No matter how many times it happens, I always think "this time it's different, I really have this disease!!"

miss diagnosis
26-09-12, 13:18
Oh yeah Im exactly the same.as soon as i hear that someone is ill.
My brother was taken into hospital with chest pain a while ago (he was fine) and i was freaked out about my heart the whole time.

In saying that..when ever i hear of anyone going for tests or anything i always assume they will be fine. Wish i could think the same way about myself!!!

26-09-12, 13:23
Exactly the same!! I always try and reassure people too by saying "it's nothiiiiiiing!!", as if I was blase, but can never apply it on myself :blush:

26-09-12, 16:16
I'm the same, I think to myself "What are they worrying about, they're fine!" but if anyone says that to me I can never believe them. At the moment, I'm convinced something's up with my head. I've been having numbness, tinglyness and ears have felt blocked up on and off for the last 4 weeks. Doctor said it's probably a cold coming or a virus but to wait a bit longer, so I'm going back next week. I'm pretty sure he'll say he doesn't know what it is but I've diagnosed myself with all sorts, including a stroke! Oh, and my neck was really tense/stiff this morning. I've been thinking that this really is something, surely this can't be anxiety related?!

26-09-12, 18:49
Hi again and thanks for your replies. :) Sounds like there are a few of us experiencing these imaginary symptoms...Joanna, with regards to the symptoms you were describing, it's always hard for us health anxiety sufferes to differentiate between what's real and what isn't. The people who don't have this and live quite contently (like my boyfriend for example) they just feel ill when they really happen to have a cold or whatever else, so it's easy for them to tell. Anxiety does bring on a lot of symptoms-surprising actually, as some of them can feel really real. In any event, I think that you did the right thing by contacting your doctor. He/she may well be right in that it could just be the good old common cold, as unfortunately with the season change a lot of people are getting colds now. I would say try not to read into it too much and it may well go on its own. If it doesn't though, then you can always mention it to your doctor on your next planned visit. Though I am sure all will be fine. And no worries about scaring me about the sneeze thing! :) i was actually more amused than scared. I thought I had heard it all! :)

02-10-12, 10:11
Morning Iced Diamond, just thought I'd update you on my symptoms as finally got to the doctor's today and got an answer. He said I have Eustachian Tube Dysfunction - basically the tubes between my throat and ears are inflammed so he's given me a nasal spray to take which should clear it up in a couple of weeks. So relieved!! I actually trust this doctor too, as he's been there for about 30 years so has lots of experience. I know it sounds bad, but I don't trust these young doctors, especially when they sit there looking in their book or looking things up on the internet. I could do that myself! So I'm a happy bunny, for now, until the next symptoms comes along! :wacko:

02-10-12, 17:52
Hi Joanna, you must be pleased to finally be given a sensible answer. :) Sometimes things aren't half as bad as we may think they will be, right? Always best to get something checked put, if you're worried. Hopefully using what the doctor has prescribed will help calm the symptoms and you'll be good as new in a short time. :) I know what you mean about the young doctors-everyone has to start somewhere, but let's face it, we all prefer someone with wealthy experience, especially when it's about our health and wellbeing. Really pleased that you're much more relieved now. Have a great week and focus on happy things. :yesyes:

27-10-12, 20:41
Im exactly the same. And my wife likes to watch like realityshows about hospitals and things that show up there just send me into worry

28-10-12, 04:38
ugh why do we do that. My family could be talking to me, and in goes in one ear and out the other, but if is about a sickness, I am all ears. I hear everything, and I ask questions, as I can feel the panic setting in, because of course we have it. I have had 2 friends have heart attacks, one passed away, and the other is fine. Ever since then I am convinced something is wrong with my heart. I get really bad chest pains, and truly believe my heart is bad. It stinks, I am a gluten for punishment, the way I google, and listen. Wish I could just stop that!!!!!!:mad: