View Full Version : New to this and newly on citalopram

25-09-12, 19:08
Hi I am new to this site. I am on day 3 of taking citalopram and am struggling with it - have horrendous headache, feel sickly and "spaced out". I know the doctor said to give it a fortnight - will this continue or will I start to feel better after the fortnight?

Jack the lad 24
25-09-12, 19:34
Don't worry you will feel like hell for the first few days sleepy headaches but it will settle down just drink plenty of water and try to eat since not eating will only make you feel more sicky.i have just started back on it since 2 weeks ago and for the first 5 days I felt really rough.try to get out for a walk to that always helps instead of sitting at home thinking how ill you feel :-) hope this helps.

29-09-12, 12:08
I've been on Citalopram for quite a while now, I first started taking it back in 2010 and joined the site just after starting my meds. I stayed on the meds until the end of that year then, mistakenly, felt that I was feeling well enough to stop taking them. I reduced the dosage over a couple of weeks and then stopped taking them altogether.

Unfortunately after a few months my anx and depression returned and I went back onto the Citalopram. My doctor and I agreed that I'd stopped taking them too soon and so I begain the cycle again.

Both time the first week was tough but once I got past that they started to help. It can take a while longer for them to really settle into your system, both times I'd still be feeling anxious and depressed for some weeks, but nowhere near as bad as before I started taking the Cit.

You'll maybe find these first few days are difficult but keep going, the first time I started taking the meds I was worried that they wouldn't work and all I wanted was to escape the feelings and thoughts but bit by bit they started to help and the good days began to outnumber the bad.

This is a link to the thread I made when I first joined back in 2010, you might find it helpful to have a read.


eternally optimistic
29-09-12, 13:06

I started on 20mg citaloprame and the first 2 weeks were very unpleasant but, after that the side effects tailed off quite quickly.

I had been on them before so, I knew what good they would do in the long run and went with it.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Best wishes.

01-11-12, 11:53
I have been on citalopram for 11 weeks, it is helping apart from a bit of a dip at the moment (on 20mgs). I had the usual side effects which went away apart from the clenching jaw which seems to be getting worse or I'm noticing more. I am also waking up for two hours a night. Does this go away?

07-11-12, 12:48
i have just been given a pescription 10mg of citalopram today, i last took some about 6 years ago and felt suicidal from it...i really dont know if i should bother taking it ..i have avoided it for years, i just want to feel happy...not sure if this will just make things worse :(

how do i find happyness?