View Full Version : Anxiety or... caffeine?

25-09-12, 20:11

I've always had anxiety, to varying degrees. It's actually been much better over the last year or two, and I thought the worst had passed. I used to be a member on here years back at the worst - but here I am again (I forgot my old account).

Over the last few days I've had quite severe depersonalisation/derealisation or whatever you wish to call it. The experience that, as you know, you're not in touch with reality, grounded with what is. The oddest thing is that I don't feel stressed, anxious; actually, life's never been better for me. On the other hand, I feel that the massive changes I've made for myself (moving house and job) may contribute.

Also, I am at University and part of my degree involves rather basic philosophy. Its very nature means questioning everything that is, was, and how we know it. As you can imagine, this is quite the task for someone already weak of mind.

Anyway, with these sensations come with it all the things I thought I had got rid of; severe hypercondria (I'm convinced I'm dying), social anxiety (I don't like going out now) and boorishness - nothing is fun, as it is not really happening.

As I explained to my counsellor, I'm truly scared of 'letting go', of 'drifting away' with the fairies and being one of those people in a cell with padded walls and mittens (like both my parents, unfortunately).

But I'm considering the fact that it's simply too much coffee - maybe an inane but still a potentially true idea. I drink a lot. Can this cause these sensations?

I'm still really terrified of losing it, and I keep having anxiety attacks at the thought.

25-09-12, 20:23
It is best to avoid caffeine drinks if you are anxious as they can cause more palpitations. I drink chamomile tea to help to calm me.

25-09-12, 20:43
I experience DP/DR on a daily basis. I am currently off work because the sensations are so severe. I have had a really stressful year and the DP returned after a big panic attack and this is exactly how it all began 4 years ago. The attack then the aftermath which leaves me constantly DP/DR. It is so taxing and I sometimes feel that I have no relief from this. Alot of the changes that I experienced weren't specifically negative but alot of change etc in general can definitely trigger anxiety on a subconscious level. You may not feel stressed or anxious...I don't feel it particularly right now either but I'm still in "dream-land"....coffee doesn't help either. I haven't drank one cup since the attacks and had a cup of chamomile earlier thay definitely helps!

25-09-12, 22:27
Thanks for your replies.

Since posting this I have been in a real bad way. I was convinced of the usual (heart attack) and that I was going to be violently sick. I felt nauseous and now I'm just exhausted. I'm really upset as I thought I had got over this years ago - I think a return to counselling today may have upped the anti!

I'm going to lay off the coffee/caffeine drinks for a few weeks and see if that helps. I'm sure it's a contributing factor (the coffee I drink is middle-eastern, and very strong, like espresso).

25-09-12, 22:45
Any caffeine certainly contributes to anxiety I find. I don't actually like coffee, but I've recently switched to de-caff tea and noticed a difference in how I feel after I have a cuppa. Unfortunately I can't bear herbal/fruit/plant teas!

26-09-12, 12:47
I have cut out caffeine, only drink de-caff tea and no fizzy colas, and I think it has had a positive effect. Today for some reason I decided to have a glass of pepsi and also some very sweet chocs and very quickly I felt really buzzy inside. My heart was in overdrive, pounding away and I started to feel quite anxious. I am really tired as I didn't sleep well last night so I needed a bit of a boost, but all that happened is I started to feel rubbish.
Do you think caffeine can act that quickly on a body?

26-09-12, 12:49
Caffeine acts very quickly, that is why they sometimes put it in some painkillers to make them act faster.

26-09-12, 13:13
Thanks Annie.

Things are calming down a bit now. Next time I reach for the pop or chocs I will try and remind myself of the consequences i.e I will feel like c**p if I take caffeine on board.