View Full Version : Does anyone else suffer from Anxiety? I get really embrassed about my Anxiety :-(

25-09-12, 21:06
Hi everyone, I get really anxious when I go out ie to the doctors my heart beats abit to fast and i get really embrassed about my anxiety :( does anyone else get like this?

25-09-12, 21:20
Yes it is a common thing with anxiety to feel like that, sometimes they have to let me in the back door at the doctors because I am too anxious to go in the waiting room.

25-09-12, 21:20
Funny but I posted my own thread before I read this. I'm the same I didnt tell my doc today just how bad I was last week and the weekend because I felt like an idiot.

I dont know why, I assume people will just say things like 'cheer up it might never happen' or 'your situation is not as bad as some'. Things like that make me mad but also make me feel very very stupid and embarrassed so I just hide it.

25-09-12, 21:24
Always tell you doc how bad you've been...I saw a documentary recently where doc said at least 1 in 5 people they see has Anx..so nothing to be embarresed of.

fozzy is crying
25-09-12, 21:25
Hi everyone, I get really anxious when I go out ie to the doctors my heart beats abit to fast and i get really embrassed about my anxiety :( does anyone else get like this?

Turning up at My Doctors in a state has had some advantages. I does not matter if I do not go for months they know me by sight and remember my name more than the regulars and just tell me by my name to take a seat instead of waiting in the queue to be signed in.

A few times I have been so bad they just take me to private room while I wait to see the Doctor.


25-09-12, 21:28
I phone the doctors before my appointment and they tell me if the doctor is running late then when I get there I go in the staff door and they leave me in a private room until it is my turn. Sometimes I don't even make it to the doctors and I phone in tears then the doctor comes to visit me...I am lucky, I have excellent, understanding doctors.

25-09-12, 21:37
Hi everyone, its horrible I sit in the waiting room and my hearts beating so fast and my hands shake i dont know why i get so anxious :/ I went to the docs last friday for my headaches they think its tension headaches and have given me naproxen or however its spelt i got them yesterday at the docs and have to go back to the docs on friday for blood tests :/ not looking forward to that dont help i have a cold at min :'( glad im not alone here.

25-09-12, 22:54
It's quite normal to feel embarrassed about feeling anxious, and you shouldn't blame yourself. Old attitudes towards mental health are to blame for stigmatising mental illness. I believe that people with mental illnesses shouldn't be made to feel any worse about themselves by society than someone with an ongoing physical illness, e.g. Asthma or Diabetes, but sadly at the moment that isn't always the case.

Remember: 1 in 4 people suffer a mental health issue. That means that a quarter of the people sitting in the Dr's surgery room with you (including the Drs, nurses and reception staff) will have suffered, or be suffering something which makes them feel as you do. I bet you wouldn't be able to point them out, anymore than they would be able to point you out in the same situation :)

25-09-12, 23:27
Thanks Elle-Kay I try and deal with my anxiety and my learning difficulties as well :( find it hard to deal with but I have to because i just have to accept they won't give me a label. I'm just on the austism skull