View Full Version : scared of these darn chest pains

26-09-12, 01:14
Hi everyone, I am new to the site, so I hope this topic has not been posted recently. I've been getting these crushing chest pains that only last a couple of seconds, but seem like minutes. I get them if I move a certain way, or just out of the blue. I am cursed with anxiety, and I obsess over my heart all the time. It's been happening for about a year now. I have been to my doc, had numerous ekg's bloodwork, stress test, heart monitor, lung xray all within the last year. Doc says it's not my heart. Why cant I BELIEVE that, they just can't come for no reason. There is not a minute that doesn't go by that I'm not thinking that I have 1 foot in the ground, and the other on a banana peel. I constantly check pulse, and if its off I freak! Please help me to understand this. I have totally giving up. I read on the internet, and I def. have heart disease, and lots of other things too! give me 10 min. and I will have something else. Usually I can get past things but for the last 6 months I cant, and man when I get that pain I just want to get in the bed, and feel sorry for myself. Help this is no way to live. I am so petrified of dying, that I'm not living. I am convinced I am dying.:weep: sorry so long I had to ramble, I am a nervous nelly. Pancikyme I did fail to mention right now I have a horrible cough, and sinus infection, so of course its lung cancer! lol

26-09-12, 01:29
Hi panickyme

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-09-12, 08:22
Hi :welcome: Chest pains are a common symptom of anxiety, I get them all the time. If you have had tests done and they are all fine then you need to trust the doctor and just tell yourself that it is anxiety causing it :hugs:

26-09-12, 12:29
I had to go to hospital the other week for the same thing and had to have an ECG and blood tests. They also confirmed it's not my heart, just stress & anxiety. I know they're scary and horrible but it does sound like it's anxiety causing yours too. Hope you feel better :hugs:

26-09-12, 12:56
Ahhhh thank you so much! They are so scarey, and I seem to be getting them more, and more! Now I'm like I haven't had a ekg since March, maybe something has changed. I should add I know were a lot of this has stemmed from. I lost a friend to a heart attack at age 48 2 years ago. Then this year I had another friend at age 48 have a massive heart attack, thank goodness he is still here. Both of these have hit home bad. I'm also coming up on 48. I had a rough up bringing so I believe if the stuff in my past can happen to me, what everyone else gets can happen to me also. Just do not know how to ever think i'm fine. But thank you so much, it does help to know I am not alone. I do not want to keep crying wolf to my doc. Panickyme :bighug1: