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26-09-12, 03:12
hi, my names Nick, and i live in sunny(?) wales. I am 41 years old, have suffered on and off with panic and anxiety since the age of 11. i went for around 15 years since my bad episode, on a motorway, now I do everything I can to avoid them... makes a lot of long distance journeys fun i can tell you.. I have not spoken to many people about my anxiety, as i am not really a personal kind of person.
The real panics started up , well reared their ugly head from, nowhere.. had not really had any for years, had a dizzy one, and it physically shook me! me, a 6ft 18st male, butch as they come, reduced to a physical mess!. I was having a lot of stress at the time, at work, unsure job, wife being Ill from an at-that -time unknown condition, having to argue with the boss every month for my salary, the usual things.. Shortly after, i noticed, that during the day my voice would change and get hoarse, and my neck/throat would get tighter and tighter... well i thought the worst... well you do, dont you? looking back I can laugh now, but it was bad at the time.. very bad. It transpired it was a form of globus hystericus, this was 2009, and has not really left me since, i feel stupid , tight throat, more when i drive, feel compelled to keep touching it, and have for the last 18 months developed a wierd neck twitch too, which does on several occasions leave my neck muscles feeling worn out, as it does me, physically. There were a few contributing factors that i think may have made me anxious and panicky, in 1998 and 2006 i somehow picked up something called labyrinthitis, the only way i could describe this is " a long period of out of body experiences" and thats exactly what it felt like, living outside my body. i was unable to hold a normal conversation, and could just about function on a daily basis, it was all in a haze, seeming so unreal, and the darn dizziness that would start, like clockwork, at 11:22 to 11:25 every day... took a few months to recover, 5 months first time, and 14 months 2nd time, helped on with medication, that was in fact not helping, but enflaming the dizzy spells!
Thats enough for me for now, its 3 o'clock in the morning, and as much as i hate going to sleep I am tired.. and my neck muscles are that worn out today, i feel like my head is going to roll off, as i cant hold it up!
Lastly before I go, I was told about this group at the beginning of the year, by a dear friend to the 4x4 club i am a member of. I met the guy at the early part of the year, the guy had been through the mill with hospitals, and was very poorly.. still had time for a chat when i met him, and for some reason, he was that calming , i poured out all my problems and worries, he talked me down, and mentioned this forum to me. After i left his house to begin a 4 hour drive home, I felt that relaxed, i took the motorway all the way home, and on the way, we saw the most colourful bright beautiful rainbow.. silly i know, but i seemed to appreciate everything around me more! Sadly, the guy that Told me about this forum passed away not long after i met him, I never gave it a thought... Until today, when through the rain i again spotted a beautiful , bright colourful rainbow...
Thanks to the forum owners for having this group, and making me feel like i have somewhere to vent, and look up posts, to see if my symptoms match, or if i am dying!

26-09-12, 03:28
Hi nick-dudley

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-09-12, 07:55
Welcome Nick,

So glad you could join us at last.:welcome:

26-09-12, 09:45
:welcome:I joined not long ago its helped me I hope it does the same for you I sure it will :bighug1:

26-09-12, 11:37
Hi and :welcome: xx