View Full Version : So fed up!!

26-09-12, 08:33
I have had a pain in my ear and left side of head for about five days which is also the same side that I have a mole in my hairline. It's also the same side that I have the lump in my neck (which I had an ultrasound on and was told it was a cyst). Of course I cant stop thinking it's the mole that's causing these problems but I dont want to go flying to the doctors, Im worried they're going to think I'm some sort of loon (I think I'm heading that way lol). It could be me making this head and ear pain worse by worrying about it. Ive never shown dr the mole because its always slipped my mind when ive been and now im worried x

26-09-12, 08:40
I have had the same only my right ear and right side of head. I went to the doctors and he said my ear looks clear but my sinus are blocked and he gave me antibiotics. The ear ache and noises in my ear get worse when I am anxious. I would go your doctor as it could be an inner ear or sinus infection.

26-09-12, 08:45
Thanks Annie.. Once again giving me a little reassurance. I just wish this damn mole wasnt on the same side. It seems to be one thing after another, as soon as I start to relax something else kicks off. I cant actually tell if the pain is worse in my ear or head as it's all around that area x

26-09-12, 09:03
I am sure it has nothing to do with the mole. I put a hot wheat bag (or hot water bottle) over that side of my face/ear and it eased it off a bit xx

26-09-12, 09:08
Thank you xx